She's Back

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Nobody really knew exactly why Lin Beifong Left Republic City. One day Air Temple Island had been destroyed, the next day the Police Chief said she would take an extended leave of absence for personal reasons, leaving her deputy in charge of the police force. Had the events been connected? Nobody knew. The press had speculated of course, but no answers were solid.

Now, almost a year later, Lin Beifong had returned to Republic City. It happened one day, out of the blue much like her disappearance.
The woman just marched herself into Republic City's Police Headquarters and demanded her post back. It was simple really.

Lin had to train herself up again a tiny bit. She hadn't used some muscles in quite a while but was easily able to catch up. She read through all of her paperwork and got back into the groove of things.

Then one day Councilman Tenzin payed Lin a visit.

"Hello Lin. It's been a while." He started

"Yes. It has." She said in a dull tone, not caring for the conversation much.

"So, I came to ask you why you left for a year after our break up." He tried talking to her again

"I don't see why it's any of your business Councilman." Lin replied sharply.

"Well I was just concerned." Said Tenzin

"Go back to your wife Tenzin, and leave me alone." Lin said and shooed Tenzin out of her office. He left and Lin breathed a sigh of relief.
No matter what anyone said about it getting easier with time, that didn't apply here. It was still hard to look her ex in the eye.

It was less than three years after Lin came back to Republic City when she received a letter from Katara. The White Lotus had found the next avatar. She was a four year old named Korra. She had been taken to the base and was getting along famously with Sayo and Saura.

Meanwhile at the base
"Korra, look at this!" Yelled a three and 1/2 year old Sayo as she bent a pillar of rock and did her 'King of the Earth' pose. Korra raised an identical pillar and struck the same pose.

Sayo had grown a fair amount since she was six months old. Her brown hair was kept in pigtails and she wore a little green outfit similar to Korra's. The two loved playing, laughing, and earthbending together. Saura was equally as close to them as well. Her long, black hair was always kept in a bun and she wore a little purple outfit similar to Korra and Sayo's.

Just then she came tumbling into the room, saw the two on their pedestals, and used airbending to boost herself up onto Korra's pillar and strike a random silly pose.

Katara came into the room with three little bowls of rice and arctic hen. She saw the little girls and their poses and chucked to herself.

"Okay girls, time to come down and eat lunch." She said.

"Coming!" Yelled all three. Saura jumped off Korra's pillar and used Airbending to cushion the fall. Sayo and Korra bent the pillars into the ground and all three rushed to get lunch. Ah yes, Katara thought, how time flies.

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