Arrivals, Departure (and much gambling)

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Lin felt the frigid air on her face as the ship docked in the South Pole. She had left Republic city the day before and was anxious to get to the base and see Master Katara. She left she ship just as the gangplank was lowered, swinging her small duffel bag over her shoulder. Lin knew that her police uniform was going to attract unwanted attention, so she wore a long black coat over her heavy pants.

After a long and exhausting adventure involving a pack of rabid polar bear dogs and a very confused seal, Lin had finally arrived at the base.

Master Katara greeted her with open arms. She didn't know about the break up between Lin and Tenzin yet so Lin had to explain it in excruciating detail. The only comment Katara made after Lin explained how she destroyed Air Temple Island was "Serves him right".

Lin fit right in in the base. Everyone was so kind to her and after almost a month of being there, she could find her way around the place without getting lost. Katara and the White Lotus members were fun to be around and as it turns out, Katara was a suitable gambling buddy.

 Katara and the White Lotus members were fun to be around and as it turns out, Katara was a suitable gambling buddy

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As Lin's pregnancy progressed, Katara did another checkup and made a startling discovery.

"You're having twins Lin." She said

"WHAT!?" At this point, everyone at the base was at the mercy of the police chief's raging hormones.

"I said you're having twins, and two top notch benders at that." Katara stated again.

Just then the young woman broke down in tears. Katara handed her a bowl of steaming stewed sea prunes, a food Lin had been craving latley, and rubbed the younger woman's back.
"What if they're airbenders?" Lin choked out through her tears.

"The Beifongs have many powerful benders in their roots. There is a possibility that they could be earthbenders. If one or both of them is an airbender, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Don't worry Lin, everything will be fine."
The young woman sobbed, running out of tears.

About four months later, and eight months into Lin's pregnancy, the young woman was sitting in her bed wearing a green robe that she refused to take off. Katara was sitting opposite her, a pai sho board between them. Five hundred yuans were on the line.
"So, have you started thinking about names yet?" Katara casually asked as she made her next move.
"Yes I have. I'm thinking Shan or Shin for a boy and Saura for a girl." Lin stated as she contemplated her next move.
"The letter S seems to be quite popular." Katara chuckled as Lin moved her next tile across the board.

"I know, those names just speak to me more than any others." Lin chuckled as Katara made a move that cost her the game.

"I totally understand. When it came time to naming Kya, I had to have a name that started with K." Explained Katara as Lin added five hundred yuans to her pile of winnings.

"Really, why?" Lin asked
"I think it was because of the fact that both my gran gran and mom had names that started with K as does mine. Carry on the tradition I guess."

"That's a cool story." Said the young woman.

"Thank you." Replied the master

Three weeks later
Lin was sick and tired of being pregnant. She felt bloated, her feet and back hurt, and these children kicked her relentlessly. Even walking to the mess hall to get breakfast was a challenging feat. Lin could hear the roaring wind of the blizzard as she was reading a book in the lounge. Katara was sewing. She had made all of Lin's clothes these past five months and was an excellent seamstress. Then Lin felt it. She cried out.

Twelve excruciating hours later Lin was holding her two beautiful girls.

The first was called Saura. It means celestial and matched with her unexpected violet eyes and black tuft of hair. She was born at 10:21pm.

The second was called Sayo. It means born at night. She had bluish green eyes and a brown tuft of hair. She was born at 10:27 pm.

Lin was happy with her daughters. It came as a surprise a week later when Saura managed to airbend herself out of Katara's grip and Sayo was causing clay plates to rocket around the room at intense speeds.

Lin was speechless. Saura was an airbender. This was what she had been fearing. But as always, Katara came to the rescue and suggested the Air Acolytes. They had studied the air bending culture and lived at the Air Temples. Surely they could teach Saura a thing or two. And Tenzin never had to know.

Sayo was easy enough. Several of the White Lotus guards were earthbenders and one was an ex police officer who knew how to metalbend.

Some Acolytes had arrived from the Western Air Temple and Tenzin's older sister Kya had come also to help with the twins. Lin knew that her daughters were in good hands.

And so, six months later, after spending as much time as possible with her daughters, Lin left the South Pole to return to her job as Republic City's Chief of Police.

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