Your a What?!

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Travis POV

I look over to a man that looked like an older version of Garroth and a women with dark black hair. From the nickname that means they're Zane's parents which means.

"M-Mommy.... F-Father." Zane's grip on me tightened as did mine on him. I looked up to the man that was my boyfriends father. I couldn't control myself I let out a low but warning growl. I did not. I repeat do not want this man anywhere near my Zane.

Zane heard me growl as I pulled us back from them slowly. "T-Travis?" I tried to calm down as I pulled my phone out and gave it to Zane.

"Zane stay behind me." He nodded as I watched Garte I believe his name was walk closer to us. "Take one more step closer to us I dare you!" I growled again. I could feel my demon side trying to come out. But I won't let him.

I heard Zane calling the doctor and telling him Garte was in front of us, and he was not happy. In fact he looked more like pissed. I looked at Zianna who was really confused about what's going on.

Garte started walking closer to us. "How dare you date a man. You worthless piece of trash and air!! Did my lessons teach you nothing! I should have beaten you more till you learned your lesson. I guess I should make you learn even mophh!!" Before he said anything else I punched him right in the face.

Please know there is violence up ahead. If you do not wish to read it skip over it till I say it's safe.

I looked my arm, it was turning gray fast. I tried to calm down but I was so mad. Zane was none of those things. He was a smart loving and caring person. Yes he may have done a bad thing before but he's not the same person as before. I look back at Zane and see Zianna hugging a crying Zane. I was about to run over to him when someone grabbed my shoulder and stabbed me in my arm.

Zane POV

I was having another attack heading those words again. I could hear my mother comfort me. But I snapped back to reality when I heard the worst noise I never wanted to hear again.

I heard Travis yell out in pain then heard a loud hiss of anger.

I look towards Travis as he pulled the knife out of his arm and through it somewhere. I could see a lot of blood coming out of his left arm. The knife was fairly wide and it seemed to go deep into his arm. His body was a dark gray, his snow white hair was still the same, but his eyes. They weren't the emerald green eyes I love to get lost in. Instead they were a rich and deep purple. They were still beautiful but I was worried about him, he has never looked like this before.

He looked at me I saw his eyes flash green before he pinned my father down to the ground. Travis punched him square in the nose and across his face. "How dare you call my boyfriend those horrible things. Zane is anything but that! If anything your the piece of trash for abusing Zane for years!" He yelled at my father. Almost every word he said he punch Garte. "Your the scum of the earth. Even Shad is nicer than you. I hope you burn in the neither for all the pain and torture you put Zane in. Your an asshole, a dick, a basturd, and most of all. Your not worthy of being a father!"

A/N: I'm bad at name calling and being mean. I'm a super nice and loving person. iwi but I did try.

I started crying softly in joy from Travis words, but I knew I had to stop him now. I felt Moms grin tighten on me. I quickly pulled away from her and ran to Travis. I held onto Travis from behind as he tenses up. I pulled him off Garte who laid there unconscious.

End of violence.

He relaxed into my arms after a bit. My Mom looked at Garte then took her ring off and put it in his business suit. She then looked at me and smiled as the police and ambulance arrived. By the time they got here Travis was asleep in my arms and back to normal.

I gave Travis to one of the paramedics so they can look over his arm. My mom held me as we were asked questions of the attack. After the questioning I was allowed to get into the ambulance with Travis. My Mom got in as well as she held me as we drove off. I had texted everyone on from MyStreet that we were heading to the hospital.

Once there they took Travis back to check him over and stitch the wound close. I was a mess. I was pacing back and forth explaining to Mom what had happen to me the past few years and most recently. She said if she had known Garte was like that she would have left him a long time ago and saved me and my brothers from him. I smiled at that. Mom excepted me for who I was, in fact she was happy I found someone who loves me and would protect me like that.

Soon everyone came and I explained to them what had happened with Garte and Travis. Garroth and Vylad hugged me. I'm not good with hugs but for today I was ok with it. After a while a while Dr. Saunders came in.

A/N: Dr. Saunders is the name of the Doctor that knows Zane's secret. A friend gave me the suggestion for the name.

"Travis is just fine. We did have to give him some blood since he was low. He does have stitches along his upper arm. But other than that he's ok. We do need to keep him over night to look over the wound." We all sighed softly as he pat on my shoulder.

"You have a very strong boyfriend. He's ready to see you when your ready." He starts walking and I follow him. My Mom tells me to stay behind for a bit. She knew I wanted some private with him.

We arrived at his room."Thank you." He smiled nodding then left. I walked inside the room looking at Travis. He looked back at me smiling softly. Before he said anything I ran over to him hugging him close. He winced softly but nevertheless he hugged me back. I started to cry softly thanking Irene that he was ok.

He wiped my tears away then kissed me softly. I kissed him back melting into the kiss. After a bit we stopped and looked at each other.

"I'm glad your ok Travis." I said holding his hand. He squeezed my hand back. "I'm sorry I worried you Zane. I couldn't control myself when called you those hurtful things." He said smiling gently.

That reminded me about about that weird form of his. I tightened my hold on his hand softly. "S-Speaking of that. Wh-What happened to you back there? I've never seen you like that before. You don't have to tell me now but please trust me and tell me."

Travis looked at me with a serious face as he looked me into my eye. "I do trust you Zane more than anything. But promise me it won't change your feeling for me. I'm still the Travis you love."

I nodded my head. "I promise Travis. I will always love you no matter who or what you are." That made him smile and relax as he stroked my hand softly.

"I'm a Demon Warlock child."

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