Love ~Love ~Paradise!

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Travis POV

New Years has come and gone on MyStreet. It is now The end of May and Zane and I are packing some stuff in suit cases. We are about to head out to Love~Love~ Paradise. We activated our tickets that Zianna gave us for letting her live with us.

Right now Zane was a little panicky making sure we packed everything we needed. Our ship didn't leave till 8 tonight. It's barely 12 pm and we've double checked our bags 3 times now.

"Travis are you sure we packed everything?" He said checking our suitcases again. I sighed smiling wrapping my arms around his hip pulling him into my lap. "Yes Zane. We have our swim suit, change of clothes, nice clothes for dinner, hygiene products, spare masks for you, sun block for your beautiful fair skin, and the amulet. Since I know you don't want to live it alone." I said kissing his check softly.

It's true, since Zane received the gift he didn't want to leave it alone. Zane felt like he had to protect it. We haven't yet to use it, but Zane is worried that if he didn't have it with him it would disappear. Zane really wants a child and I do as well. We decided that we were going to use the amulets magic to have us our child sometime at the resort. We're nervous about having a child but we are ready for this.

Aphmau decided she wanted to throw us a going away party. Since we'll be gone a whole month. Zianna Vylad and Aph agreed to check up on our house anytime they could. I did warn Dante no funny business in our house if he came over with Vylad. He agreed after a warned him, and maybe told him I would tell Vylad one of his secrets. A perk about being best friends I know a lot of his secrets that Vylad would have fun with.*laughs evilly inside my head*Looks like my little Zane here is rubbing off on me a bit. It's a little fun being mean.

I chuckle to myself as Zane looks at me confused. "What are you thinking about that made you laugh??" "Hehehe I just realized how much you've rubbed off on me is all." I said giving him an Eskimo kiss. "I had to be a evil to Dante to make sure he doesn't do anything to Vylad while they house sit for us." That seemed to make Zane happy.

"Seems my evilness has caught you. I like it." He says as he turns towards me straddling my lap. I felt my face heat up as he looks at me. He leans down kissing me. I kiss him back resting my arms around his lower waist, barely over his ass. Soon we start making out hard and full of passion. I quickly move to Zane's neck kissing and nibbling on his sweet spot on his neck. Zane was about to let out a sweet moan when we were interrupted by loud knocking on our door.

We both growl at the door groaning. Zane fixes his mask as he opens the door. "What in the Neither do you want!" He yells at the person. "Well no need to get you panties in a twist Zane. I tried calling you and Travis but you both didn't answer." It sounded like Aphmau I got up and joined them. "S-Sorry Aph. We were ummm finishing packing.. Yeah!!" Stuttered my cute Zane. I wrapped my arms around his waist causing him to blush.

"Sure and that hickey on your neck is a misquote bite." She points to the love bite I left on Zane. He blushes even more as Aphmau starts to giggle. After a bit she stops. "Sorry I interrupted your little moment but it's time for the party so come on you two." She quickly grabs our hands and takes us to her house.

We talked and parted with everyone till about 6:30. We got home and packed our stuff in Zianna's car. She was going to drive us there so we didn't have to pay for my car to stay in a lot till we got back. Once we arrive at the port we hugged Zianna good bye. "You boys have fun now." Said Zianna. "We will Mommy." Said Zane as he hugged her. "We'll text you and everyone when we arrive." I told Zianna. She smiled and hugged me as well. I hugged her back. After we had our moments we got onto the boat and waved bye to Zianna as the ship set sail to Love~Love~ Paradise.

Zane POV

We found our room after a man name Guy showed us around the boat. He was our official guide for Love~Love~ Paradise. He is nice, but you can also tell he doesn't hide his sexuality. And another note I need to find out how he does that poofing trick. That could come in handy one day. I lay down our king size bed with a soft sigh. From what the man said we would be arriving at the resort in 2 days. Travis joined me on the bed with a content sigh. I moved to lay my head on his chest. Travis wrapped his arms around my waist as I laid on him. We cuddled on the bed till our stomachs started to growl. We both chuckled as we got up and headed to the top deck for something to snack on. Once there I saw the second most beautiful thing in the world. (#1 being Travis and his emerald green eyes that I get lost in.) I saw a huge dessert table and I instantly ran towards it and got me some cupcakes.

I got me a whole plate and I was quiet happy with myself. I look to see Travis laughing at me. "O-Ohh my Irene Zane that was amazing! Now I know to help you exercise more. Not that you need it my cute lil' nugget." He says kissing my check as I blush red. I pinch his ear at that comment. "Ouch ok Zane I'm sorry~!! Please spear me my sexy Zane." He says as he looks at me. I feel my face heat up more as I release him. "I'll be getting you back later for that." I said taking a bit of my cupcake. "Of course Zane."He said smiling.

I finish off my last cupcakes as Travis eats up his slice of German cake. We start walking to our room. Once inside I grab the 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign and hanged it on our door. Let's just say Travis is gonna be the one sore tomorrow instead of me.

Omi I can't believe I wrote that!
>\\\\< If you want to know what happened behind those closed doors, let me know and I might just add that to the next update. Until then I will see you my lovely nuggets tomorrow!!

-<3 Zanna

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