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Zane POV

It's been 2 weeks since we've been here on at Love~Love~Paradise. Right now Travis is at a hula class and I'm in my drawing class. I wasn't comfortable dancing but I did like drawing a bit. I wasn't good but it was ok. I look up to the clock to see class is about to end.

"Ok class I have a project for you to do for me. I want you to draw something you like or can be simple. I want to see it on my desk at our next class tomorrow. I hope you have fun!" Exclaimed the art teacher. She was nice but I didn't want to know her name. I packed my stuff and left. I waited for Travis outside his class since we should get done the same time. Travis soon came out without a shirt on and he was still a bit sweaty. But I couldn't help but stare at him as the sweat rolled down his body. He soon snapped in front of me to bring back. "Take a picture babe this way you can drool over me later." Says Travis with a wink.

I felt my face heat up as I turned around and started walking away. "Aww Zane please don't be like that!~" he yells as I keep walking. "I'm sorry~~ Please slow down Zane I couldn't help myself." I stopped and looked at him blushing. He stopped as well looking at me worried.

I took in a deep breath. "Traviswillyoupleasebemymodel!" I blurted out so quickly. "U-Un what was that Zane I didn't quiet catch that." Replied Travis. I looked down at the ground. "I said will you please be my model." I said a bit slower. I don't know why I wanted it to be Travis but I did. He just smiled and took my hand.

"Of course I will Zane. Let's head home so you can draw me." I looked up at him to see a gentle smile. I nodded as we continued our walk back to the house.

We talked about our classes. I laughed a bit when Travis told me a random female Meif'wa came to his class and attached the teacher because he was wearing a grass skirt. I wish could have seen that. I probably would have been laughing more than now. Travis grabbed my hand softly which I returned smiling.

Since we've been here we've grown closer and I feel more comfortable about myself. I'm starting to not wear my masks as much but I still do but as much. Travis still flirts or teases me but he tries to be more romantic when he does it. It actually nice to watch him try.

After a few minutes we made it back and Travis got to work cooking as I set up my drawing stand and my supplies. When I finished we ate real quick and I told him to relax as I got started drawing him. He was still shirtless I could feel my blush under my mask. He had his arm positioned behind his head causing him to stretch out chest chest and abs more. To make him look even hotter he was giving me his famous smirk/grin that makes me feel weak. He also has his legs spread open almost looking like an invitation to come sit on his lap.

After a minute or five I started drawing him again. I couldn't get my eyes away from him as I drew him. Once I was done drawing the base of it I looked at Travis. "Y-You wanna look at it?" I asked him. He nodded as he got up and looked at himself.

He wraps his arms around my body pulling me close. "That looks amazing Zane you did a great job." Said Travis amazed as I smiled. "I-It's not that great but thank you Travis." I said as I looked at it more. He nodded and leaned his head against mine as I added in the last few details.

He is back on the couch as I put my supplies away as I look down at the amulet Lucinda gave me. I look it over smiling softly. Travis notices and looks at me smiling gently as I return it. "When are you wanting to do this Zane?" He asked me.

I look at him then the amulet. "I want to do it soon. I'm ready Travis." I said with confidence. He smiled more. "Then I saw lets do it maybe in 2 days." Said Travis.

I nodded as I looked at it more. 'You got this Zane! You two are going to have your own kid soon once we prick our fingers.' I thought to myself as I relaxed some.

Sorry I didn't update till now. Didn't get in till late and got busy packing a few things. I hope you liked my update!!

<3 Zanna

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