Chrismas gift pt. 2

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This update/chapter is a lemon. If you do not wish to read it then do not read past the bold letters. This chapter is for 16+ and not for the innocent. But I still hope you enjoy it.

Travis POV

I was now walking back home. It has almost been 10 minutes so I was about to start running. I had to see Zane right now. My mind was going over so many ideas on what he was planning. Our friends wanted to know as well but I won't tell them. I did have to ask Laurence to keep Garroth away from our house. He understood and for that I was thankful.

I arrived at our house and noticed only our bedroom light was on. I opened the door and walked inside. I shut the door behind me and locked it as I walked upstairs. I gulped as I reached the door and slowly opened it. The room was now darker than when I got here there was only one light. The light from Zane's phone as he looked at me.

He smiled at me and hot up from the bed. I couldn't make the outline of his clothes just his face. I looked at at him as he was a few inches from me. Then he spoke to me. "Sit on the bed Travis and you'll see your present." I did as I was told and was sitting on the bed. Zane smiled as he turned the lights back on.

 Zane smiled as he turned the lights back on

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He is wearing everything but the mask.

I couldn't help but start to drool and nose bleed at the sight of Zane. He had turned him self into a Meif'wa was in such a revealing outfit. He walked over to me swaying his hips as his tail moved from side to side. My eyes were glued to him nothing matter more in the world than this sexy creature before me.

As I was in awe of his beauty he sat on my lap and kissed me. He took me by surprise with that. Zane was never one to act kissing first. I was seeing a whole new Zane and I loved it.

!Lemon starts here!

We started to make out fighting for dominance. I let him win round one so he could explore my mouth.

We pulled back for some much needed air. But while he was trying to control his breathing I started kissing his neck. He moaned softly in delight. As I pulled him close to my body finding his sweet spot biting it softly sucking on it as well. Leaving a dark hickey on his neck. I'll get yelled at that later but for now I want to mark his body as mine.

3rd POV

Travis was kissing all over Zane's neck as Zane was moaning in delight. When Travis stopped he looked at Zane staring deep into his eye. "Is your body my present Zane or just seeing you in this outfit? Because if it's the second one I don't think I can hold back much morphhh" I was cut off by Zane kissing me hard and deeply. Trying to pour all of his love into the kiss.

"I-I want you Travis. Th-The past few weeks I've wanted you so badly. You kept teasing me going shirtless. Do you know how hard it was not to get excited seeing you hot and ripped boyfriend shirtless. Our water bill is going to be high with all the cold showers I had to take." Zane blushes red all over his face as he looks at Travis. Travis holds Zane close nodding.

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