Chapter 38

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"Where is she, Hannah?" Grace sobs, as she lets go of my hand.

"I'm sorry Grace you were too late. I'm sorry."

"Your joking. Where is she?" She says, her voice obviously breaking.

"Grace. Gracie, no no no.." Screams escaped Grace's mouth. She couldn't control herself. I bring her to the floor as she sobs and screams in my arms. It's the only way I can stop her collapsing onto the floor anyway. People staring. I hold onto her tight, making sure she couldn't escape and go to Mamrie. Grace and I both sit on the floor, tears streaming down our faces. Causing our eyes to be red and puffy, our eyelashes to be red and our mascara to trickle down our faces. Quickly a nurse sees us on the floor and helps us to be in a private area.

"I never even got to say goodbye." Grace cries.

"I know baby girl. But I promise she knows she you love her. She is in a better place now. She isn't suffering anymore. She isn't suffering." I cry, still holding onto her. I place my lips gently onto Grace's forehead as we embrace.

"I wanna see her," Grace exclaims, breaking the embrace. She stands up and brushes her hands on top of her legs. I quickly follows me and grabs her hand. She can't see Mamrie. Not right now anyway. It would break her.

"You can't. Come on, we need to go home," I explain.

Grace grips onto my hand as tight as possible, making my hand go white.

"No gotta let me see her," Grace screams. I act instantly and grab her waist and drag her away from the room and out of the hospital. I am small but I am also very strong. I carry her out into the car park and then gently place her in the car and quickly locks the door so she can't try to escape. I move and gets in the car and drives us both back home. Grace in record time undoes her seat belt and quickly goes into the house. I park the car then follow her. I close the door behind me and hear our bedroom door lock. I rush upstairs, I know that when Grace lost Aida, as tried numerous amounts of time to kill herself. I couldn't deal with going through all that again. I force myself upto the door and knock gently.

"Grace. Grace sweetheart, let me in." I whisper, knocking on the door lightly. She doesn't reply. I don't leave just sit by the door and wait to see if she does anything stupid. Soon enough I hear the shower running. I remember when she lost Aida she had a lot of Showers, to cry in maybe?

I realise that tonight I am not going to sleep in that bed with her. I go downstairs and clean myself up a little. I reapply my mascara and make my eyes a little less puffy and red. I grab the keys and slam the door shut. To show Grace that I was angry with her, I just want to comfort her. I drive to Grace's mom's place to pick up the kids. I can't just leave them with Theresa without an explanation.

Within twenty minutes I'm there. I get out and knock the door.

"Oh hi Hannah, where is Grace?She just left me with the kids."

" yeah sorry abou." I couldn't produce the rest of my sentence due to the tears that are now forming in my eyes.

"Oh sweetie come here. It's Mamrie isn't it?"

"I promised it was going to be fine. I can't undo a promise."

"Well some promises are meant to be broken."

"I need to tell the kids." I sigh, breaking out of her reach. I walk into the living room to find Hart playing with Eve.

"Hey kids" I smile, putting on a brave face.

"Hannah. Where is mom?" Hart says, picking up Eve and sitting on the sofa.

"Mommy is back at home."

"Mamrie? Is she alright?"

"Mamrie...she's gone. She held on so tight but then she had to let go." I explain, tears streaming from my face. I look to Hart to see tears rolling down her face as well. I knew what was coming next.

"You promised." Hartley sobs.

"I know."


"I'm sorry." I whisper, as I move over to her and cuddle her. I didn't mean to hurt everyone. I got her to the hospital in time. I tried.

After a few hours, I was finally able to get Hartley and Eve in the car. Seeing as they were both asleep.

"Thank you Theresa." I say, strapping Eve in.

"That's ok, stay safe yeah. Love you."

"Love you too." I get in the car and drive in complete silence as they were asleep. When I reached home I got Eve into the house first. While in a very deep sleep, I was able to change her nappy and get her into pj's. I leave a bottle in her bed, so if she does wake up it's there.

I then pick up Hartley and carry her and place her into her bed. I don't bother changing her just making sure she gets into bed.

"I'm sorry, I broke the promises. But some promises are meant to be broken." I whisper. I place a gentle kiss on her cheek then head downstairs. There were gentle snores coming out of Grace's room as I passed it. I find some old pillows and blankets out of the airing cupboard and start to make the sofa a little more comfortable. I check my phone and then get into the makeshift bed.

"Some promises are meant to be broken Hannah. This wasn't your fault. They don't hate you, they are grieving. I promise you, they don't hate you." I reassure myself. Then my eyes start to close and force them self shut.

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