Chapter 32

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Two Days Later

Hannah and I both walk into the court room. The nerves were defiantly getting the better of me, I felt lightheaded and nauseous. I could feel my hands shaking and my legs were shifting from one foot to another. I couldn't balance properly. We got inside and we stood at one end of the corridor. I made sure we were as far away from Chester as possible.

"Hannah, can you pass me that bucket?" I question, pointing to the empty bucket that she had brought along. Knowing that when I get nervous I always throw up.

"Here you go." Hannah replies, picking up the empty bucket from the floor beside her.

"I'm so nervous I think I'm going to-." My words were halted by the rising vomit in my throat. I turn away from Hannah, shrinking to the floor, getting sick neatly in the bucket. Hannah rubbed my back and held my hair back till I was done. I dry heaved a few more times till I knew it was over. That was when I had to go and get questioned by the court. I walk up to the stand, still trying to steady my balance. My hands were still shaking, my forehead sweating. I didn't know what to do with myself.  I sit down at the stand, Hannah is in the pue's watching anf is there for support. Then I feel it again, vomit is rising to my throat.  I look at Hannah,a gag a little. She finally gets why I am staring at her. She races to my side with the bucket. I turn away from everyone and start coughing. I try my hardest not to be too loud as the vomit exits me. As I continue to vomit Hannah holds my hair back and rubs my back. I finish and she leaves the bucket with me, knowing I might need it at any second. 

Then I was sat on the stand being questioned by Chester, who was representing himself.

"According to the caseworker's report, you've been raising our children alone." He questions.


"And you haven't worked since October."

"I haven't been able to because of what you did to me."

"Your Honour?" Chester pleads.

"Mrs See just answer yes or no."


"And since the birth of our dead daughter, you've been seeing a psychiatrist?"


"And did he prescribe antidepressants?"

"Objection. Beyond the scope." My Lawer shouts out.

"I'm afraid not, Ms Calhoun." The judge explains. "Mrs See, please answer."

"I have prescriptions for antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs."

"Are you on those drugs now?"

"I've been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. So yes."

"So you intend to raise our other children on your own while sitting at home, unemployed, taking psychoactive drugs?"

" Don't act like I'm crazy and you're the sane one! You did this to me! You raped me. You destroyed my life." I shout, starting to cry while trying to steady my nerves. Making sure I don't vomit again becuase that would be embrassing.

"Your Honour, I ask that you disregard that last outburst.
I was acquitted of rape."

"Just proceed."

"So you think you can take care of my daughter? Grace.
I mean Mrs See. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Single motherhood doesn't agree with you. You can't even take care of yourself." Chester shouts.



"I have nothing further," Chester says, sitting back down.

"Mrs See, would you like a break?" My Lawer asks.


"Have you recently taken your children for a checkup?"

" Yes."

"And how are they doing?"

"They are both in perfect health. They are eating and sleeping well."

"So despite the trauma that you have been through, you are able to raise and care for your children ?"

"Yes. They are all I've ever wanted." I sob, making my eyes go puffy, my eye have bloodshot and my mascara running down my face..

"And why don't you want Mr
See involved?"

"Because the only intimate contact I've ever had with this man is when he violently forced himself on me and my daughter. And I don't want that around my daughters."

"Thank you. No further questions."

"I want to be there for them, and I have the right to." Chester says, giving me a smirk.

A Day Later

"This hearing is to determine the best interest of the child." The Judge says.

"Mr See, in spite of the jury's verdict, I find your actions reprehensible. I am awarding Grace See full custody." The judge explains. I let out a big sigh of relief and smile. Knowing that I am going to get full custody of my daughters. That is when my life changed.

"However, given that Mr See is the biological father and is willing to pay child support, it is with great reluctance that the court must award minimally supervised visitation. Two hours, every Saturday." The judge explains.

"No!" I say, my voice breaking. Tears come streaming out of my eyes like a waterfall.

"With an agreed upon third-party facilitator. This hearing is adjourned." The judge explains, striking the gavel against a sound block.

"Thank you, Your Honour. " Chester thanks.

Hannah races to me from the pue's and catches me as I collapse into her chest. I sob and break down. Making her t-shirt wetter and wetter by the second. She kisses me on the top of my head as I hold her tight, not wanting to let her go. She guides me out of the court room so I was away from Chester.

I run out to see Hartley and Eve waiting for me.

My lawer runs after me, as I embraced Eve and Hartley.

"Look I'm not happy with the result either.
But don't play into his hands." My Lawer exclaims.

"What does that mean?" I snap.

"You have to abide by the ruling until the law changes." My Lawer explains.

"When does it end? Do I have to live with the man who raped me in my life, forever?"  I cry, as I still hold onto my kids.

"He'll be strictly supervised. We can handle it until the court appoints someone. We'll have eyes on him." My Lawer explains. Then I see him walking up towards me.

"Mr See stay away from my client." My Lawer says, after a few people guard me.

"I'll see you Saturday,my girlies." He replies with a smirk on his face.

I bring Hartley into my chest, so she doesn't have to see him.

"Lets go home little ones."Hannah says, taking my hand and the vomit bucket in the other hand. She leads us to the car where she straps in Eve while I get into the front. I sit down and strap myself in. That's when I broke into tears.

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