Chapter 40

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"You ready?" Mom asks me, linking arms with me.

"As ready as I will ever be, and mom. Thank you so so much for accepting me."

"As long as you are happy so am I. Right here we go." Mom smiles, kissing me on the cheek then linking arms with me. The song 'a thousand years by Christina Perri' plays as in front of me Hartley, Maddi and Eve walk down the isle. Mom walked me down the isle carefully. As soon as I take one step, Hannah sees me and bursts into tears.

"You choose a good one." Mom whispers.

"I know. She's perfect." I reply.

As I get closer and closer, I get more nervous. Once I reached Hannah, I passed Hartley my bouquet and then took Hannah's hand as she reached out for me.
Hartley and Eve sat down, Eve sat on Hartley's lap. I look over to them and have a flashback to when Hartley was sitting on Mamrie's lap, during mine and Chester's wedding. I didn't notice but a tear escapes my eye but Hannah noticed though.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, it's just that You look beautiful." I say smiling, looking into her eyes.

"You look amazing." She smiles returning the compliment.

"Please be seated." The person holding the ceremony announces.

Everyone takes their seats and sits in silence, waiting for us to say the words I do.

"You are gathered here today to witness the union of Grace Ann Helbig and Hannah Maud Hart. Please repeat after me.

I Hannah Hart"

"I Hannah." She repeats.

"Take you Grace Helbig."

"Take you Grace Helbig." She repeats again.

"To have and to hold." The person holding the ceremony says.

"To have and to hold." She follows.

"For better, for worst." I say.

"For richer, For poorer." Hannah says, with tears welling up.

"In sickness and in health." I reply.

"To love...

"To cherish." I finish.

"As long as we both shall live." We say in unison.

"I love you." I says as tears fall down my face

" I love you too." Hannah says as we both lean in and have our first kiss as a married couple.

"I may now pronounce you wife and wife. You may... Well your kissing anyway." She chuckles as soon as she sees us.

We pull away and stare into each other eyes for a few minutes and then link arms and make our way back down towards the aisle.

We stand outside the registry office as people took photos of us. We took one big photo as a family, Maddi included she is part of the family.

On car took me and Hannah to the reception and another took Hartley, Maddi and Eve.

As we get into the car we both cuddle straight away. I put my head on her shoulder and snuggle into her.

"I wish Mamrie was here" I sigh.

"I know I do too Hun,  she is here. In our hearts and she is probably here like haunting us or some shit like that." Hannah laughs, kissing me on the forehead.

Soon enough we arrive at the reception and wait for everyone else to arrive. As the venue started to get packed we both went around thanking everyone that had came. We sit and wait for the meals that were slowly being handed out to our guests. While we were eating we had a few people did speeches, such as my mom and dad, Hannah's mom and dad and Hartley. She was brave enough to give a speech. Once the speeches were done it was time for us to cut the cake. We move towards the cake, which we haven't seen at all. The cake was three tiers and at the top was little statues of me and Hannah.

"Everyone ready?" Hannah shouts, a little too over excited. 

I grab her hand and place it on the knife, I put my hand on top of hers and slowly we make a cut through the cake. I take a bit of the frosting then put it on her nose. She giggles, which makes me giggle. She kisses me and smiles.

"You are mine Mrs Grace Ann Helbig-Hart." Hannah laughs, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"And you are mine Mrs Hannah Maud Helbig-Hart." I say, turning around and kissing her again.

We all sit down and eat our body in cake.

"Who is ready for the first dance as wife and wife?" Hartley says, readjusting Eve on her hip. I take Hannah by her hand and drag her onto the dance floor. We slow dance to our song and kiss continously. I still can't believe she is mine. After the song finishes we both head off and get Eve ready to go in the taxi. Hartley and Maddi are taking Eve home and looking after her for the night. 

"See you tomorrow mom." Hartley says, kissing Hannah on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow monkey."

"I am so glad you are happy mommy. You found your soulmate." Hartley, says starting to cry. She kisses me and hugs me tight. I put Eve in her car seat and Maddi and Hartley both get into the taxi. They get home safe as Hartley sends a text to me.

Hannah and I leave the venue just after the last people leave. We made an agreement with the reception venue manager that we will tidy up the place tomorrow. We head to a hotel that Hartley and Maddi kindly booked for us, after they worked so hard to pay it off.

I carry Hannah into the hotel bridal style and place her on the bed. We both get out of our clothes and head under the covers. Once again we found ourselves naked lying next to each other. We were lying next to each other as a married couple. Hartbig is real, the fandom will go nuts. I can finally be happy, after fifteen years. I can be a family, with my three daughters (including Maddi) and my beautiful wife. Also I was able to track down Goose and she is coming to England to live with us again. Life couldn't get any better than this. Not a day goes by where I don't think of Mamrie. A lot of peoples lives don't get a Happily Ever After but this was definantly my Happily Ever After.

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