Chapter 23

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Hartley's P.O.V

"Come on inside...NO Grace not the flowerpot." Hannah says, but it was too late mom was already throwing her guts up. Hannah pulls mom away from the flowerpot that is outside our house.

"Heey baby cakes. How are my two favourite angels?" Mom slurred laughing as she flops onto the couch.

"Mom. It's eight in the morning and your still drunk."

"It's five somewhere."

"I was worried sick, I thought something really bad was happening to you. Everley would not stop crying all night, I tried everything. I finally resorted to the last thing possible. MY lullaby CD that dad made for me. That finally got her to sleep.

"oh SHIT!" Mom exclaims, taking her phone from her bag. She hits the on button by the screen reveals that it has ran out of battery. Mom races around the house, in search of her charger. She plugs in her phone and waits for it to come back on.

"What?" I ask, readjusting Eve on my hip.


"What mom? MOM WHAT?"

"I made a mistake. what have I done? FUCK, I'm so stupid." Mom sobs.

"What have you done?"

"Hartley your father's coming. I texted to your father, while drunk. I told him where to come and find us. I told him about Everley."

"Mom. What the hell. Right forget about that for a second. Are you to drunk to look after Everley?"

"Yeah. You're going to have to look after her."

"But I have school."

"Just bring her with you."

"WHATEVER!" I storm off, and put Everley's coat on and put her in her pram. I grab my lunchbox and put it in my bag, and I also grab Everley's diaper bag and put that under her pram. I put my winter coat on and push the Oran out of the door. We were on our way to school. I knew the school would not approve but what else can I do. I know she was be perfectly fine, in my lessons.

With my head held high I walk into school with Eve. I go to the main reception and ask to see the headmaster. I get a quick appointment and get to see him, I take Eve out of the pram and leave the pram just outside. I place Eve on my hip and entered Mr Talbot's office.

"Come on in Hartley. Who is this?" He asks, pointing to a chair. I sit down in the chair ready to explain my situation.

"This is Everley. My dau...sister and I know this sounds completely strange but I need to look after her today." I explain.

"Where is your mother?" He asks.

"She is at home but you know with the car accident that my mom, Mamrie and little Eve were in. Well it sent Mamrie into a coma and mom felt like it was her fault. So aunt Hannah took my mom out for a girls night. The first one she has had since finding out she was pregnant with me. So I let her go and I stayed at home and looked after Eve. Mom only came home this morning, she was still slightly drunk. So I realised she couldn't look after Eve. So do you reckon she can come into my lessons. Only for today?" I explain.

"Well she is going to have to, but today only. I will send out a quick message to your teachers letting them know, but it's fine for today!" Mr Talbot says.

"Thank you, Mr Talbot. She will be perfect." I explain, I start to head out the door but get stopped.

"Oh Hartley. How are you after the seizure are oh ok?" Mr Talbot asks.

"I'm fine, oh and here is my updated medical form. It turns out both me and my mom have epilepsy. Also, is it ok for me to leave Eve's pram in here?" I say, handing him my medical form from my school bag.

"Thank you Hartley. Yes that is fine. Now have a good day at school."

"I will. Thank you again sir."  I quickly leave Eve with a teacher while I push her pushchair into Mr Talbot's office. I unclip her car seat from her pram and collect her diaper bag from the bottom of the pram. I drap the diaper bagacross my shoulder. I take Eve back from my English teacher and place her back into her car seat. I carry the car seat towards my own little quiet space. I see a lot of the students laughing and talking about me but I continue to smile. I have my little girl with me. The bell finally rings and I head up to my tutor room. I enter and everyone turns their heads to see me. They all stare at me as I walk to my seat. I sit down and and place her onto the empty chair next to me. I continue to rock her as she starts to rub her eyes, stating that she is tired.

"I thought you had a son?" Jake asks, being loud trying to draw attention.

"Oi Jake, stop being such a jack-ass. Now who is this lovely little one?" Wilson asks.

"This is Everley. She is my sister. I'm looking after her till mom sobers up." I explain.

"She is so cute."

"Thanks, say hi Eve." I say.

"Hai." Eve gurgles.

"She really is the cutest, I can promise you that..." but before he could finish his sentence my tutor walked in to the room.

Wilson kicked my legs to notify me that he was trying to pass me a note.

Wanna hang out with me at lunch. All my "friends" are idiots anyway. I would love to get to know you and this little lady more.

Sure. Where shall me meet?

Around the back of the school field?

Sure. We can't wait to talk.

Cool see you then.

I could not reply. The bell had already gone signally that it was time for the first lesson. I grab Eve's seat and wait till everyone left and walked to my first lesson, Drama.

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