Chapter 26

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I wake up with Chester's arms wrapped around me. I slid my way out of his arms and let him sleep. Everyone was asleep but me and Hannah. I put shorts and a t-shirt on. I also throw on a dressing gown on top of it all. I walk downstairs and start making breakfast. While I wait for the bread to toast I check my phone. I go through all my social media, my emails. Before I could go reply to one email Hannah was downstairs having a go at me.

"You two slept together didn't you." Hannah sighs

"You should know it was intended. I still don't forgive him. I just really missed him. Is it too much to be able to miss your husband. Who fathers three of your children?" I grunt.

"I know but I'm just really scared for you. I remember the state you were in when he abused you. Do you remember the state he put you in? Do you?" Hannah shouts.

I flinch as she shouts. "Yes. I do. I can never forget. But to be honest I really think he has changed. You saw the way he was when he was with Eve and me. We are all going to see Hart today as a family."

"You know what when he starts beating you again, don't come running to me." Hannah says, just as Chester opens the kitchen door. The toast pops ups and makes me jump. I race towards the toaster and butter the toast. I place it onto Eve's high chair and Chester places her into the high chair.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hi. Do you want some toast?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." Chester replies, sitting down at the table. I butter his toast and place it in front of him. I make myself some toast and sit down next to Chester.

"You ready to see Hartley today?" I ask, as we finish our toast.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see my little girl. What time are we going?" He questions.

"In about two months. I can't for us to be a family." I smile.

"Same. I can't wait."

"You want to look after Everley while I get ready?" I ask, wiping Eve's mouth and hands with a wet wipe.

"Sure. You go on. I'll look after her." Chester says. I head up stairs and get changed. I go into the bathroom brush my teeth and do my make up. I walk into Eve's room to find Chester, changing her diaper and her clothes.

"You ready to go?" I ask him. as he picks Eve up and puts her on his hip.

"Yeah. We can't wait. Can we baby girl?" Chester says tickling Eve. We all head downstairs and make our way out of the door. Chester out Eve in her car seat while I sat in the drivers seat starting the engine. He closes the door and gets in the passengers seat. We drive the whole way to the hospital in complete silence. I have planned that I am going to see Hart first then I would explain why he is here.

I park the car while Chester gets out and gets us a parking ticket. I get Eve out while Chester places the ticket in the car windscreen. We both walk through the hospital and wait for the nurses to let us into the ward Hartley was in.

"Hartley see." I say.

"Ok, come in Grace." The nurse says pressing the button letting us in. We both walk till we reach outside her room. I stop Chester just before he goes in.

"Let me in first. It's going to be a shock to her. You know after what you done to us." I say, putting Eve's car seat into his hands.

"Ok. If it will make everything better." Chester says, sitting on the chairs just outside the room.

I knock on the door quietly and calmly before entering. She was still sleeping peacefully snoring a little. I sit and watch her for a few moments realising this is the most peaceful she has been since that day with Chester. A few moments went passed where I realise that Chester was still outside waiting for me to let him in. I slowly walk up to Hartley trying not to wake her up. I shook her gently, waking her up. She slowly wakes up and rubs her arms. She stretches her arms before jumping into my arms.

"Morning baby girl. Are you ok?" I ask, stroking her hair.

"Yeah. Are you ok mommy?" She replies.

"I'm fine. I have some news, would you like to know what it is." I ask, as she lifts her head up.

"Yeah, but you better not be pregnant again!" She laughs, then her face goes serious.

"I'm not don't worry. But you know I said about how when I was drunk I text your dad..."

"Yeah." She says curiously.

" he found us. He is outside baby. I'm sorry. You don't have to see him if you don't won't to but he is really excited to see you. I think he really missed us, I think he has changed." I say, breaking down in tears.

"I...I...I can't go through seeing him again mom. I just can't do it. I'm sorry." Hartley sobs.

"I know it will hurt baby girl but can you just do it for us. I'm scared that if you do it, he will hurt us again. I even can't go through all that again." I cry.

"Does he even know about Sebastian? Does he?  DOES HE? Does he know the pain he has put me through?" Hartley shouts.

"I know but please for me. I don't want to get hurt. It will only take one thing for him to blow. I just know it. Please Hartley for me. Please just act all sweet and innocent then I promise you won't ever have to see him again. I will kick him out. Please for me. If you won't do it for it for Eve." I cry, wiping away her tears then mine.

"You promise you will kick him out." 

"I promise." I say, as we link pinkies.

"Ok. Let him in." 

"OK." I slowly walk up to the door and gesturing for Chester to come in. He grabs the car seat and walks into the room.  I see Hartley's eyes watering, I've made a huge mistake.

"Hey Hatty. I've missed you baby girl. Come hug and say hello to your daddy.

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