chapter eight.

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I walked on air the rest of the night. Jared took me home not too long after our epic kiss, and we arrived in my driveway thirty minutes before my curfew. 

"I had an incredible time tonight, Tiff," Jared breathed into the dark vehicle. 

"I did, too. Thank you, again," I paused, unsure of what to say. I was still drunk with emotion from the kiss earlier, and I didn't want to say too much for fear I'd ruin everything. 

"So, does this make you my 'girlfriend,' or no?" Jared had turned his head to look at me, and I saw his eyes dancing in the lights from the dashboard. 

"Ah, uh, well, it depends," I stammered. 'Depended on what, exactly, Tiffany?! Good grief, girl, this incredibly hot guy, who was the most amazing kisser that the good Lord had put on this Earth wanted to be your boyfriend! Get with it, child!' I screamed at myself silently. 

"Oh? And what is that, exactly?" I could hear the teasing in Jared's voice, and it made me long to reach out and grab his face in my hands, pull him close, and kiss him again. Just as intensely, just as passionately. But I refrained myself. 

"Well," I started, "I don't believe I've been officially asked." I said, teasing him a bit. 

"'Officially asked,' you say. Well, then, Tiffany, I'm asking you officially," Jared said, adjusting his position in his seat so he was face to face with me. Wrapping his hands around mine that laid on the consol of his vehicle, he leaned in and said so softly, so sincerely, "Would you be my girlfriend?" 

My breath caught in my throat, and for reasons unknown to me, I felt the beginnings of tears work their way to the edge of my eyes. "Yes," I managed to squeak out. 

"Good," he breathed. He leaned in closer still, and once again, his soft, tender lips were on mine. I instantly relaxed into his kiss and it felt almost as if we became one, joined if for only a moment. "You better go," Jared said, pulling away, "it's your curfew." He slightly nodded his head at the clock in the vehicle, which read 12:58.  

"Wow, it seems like we just pulled up. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it?" I replied, and then instantly hated myself for sounding so corny.  

"Yeah," he laughed, "I guess it does. I need to get to bed anyhow. I have to work early in the morning. No rest for the weary, you know." 

"Yeah. Well, thanks again. I'll, uh, talk to you later," I replied, feeling blindly behind me for the door handle. I secretly hoped that it had disappeared so that we could be stuck in here together longer. No such luck; I found it almost immediately. 

"I'll call you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Tiff," Jared said with a small wave of the hand.  

With a small wave of my own, I quietly said, "'Bye," and watched him back down the driveway and head towards his house on the other side of the park. I stood and watched until I could no longer see his taillights in the dark. Sighing, I turned around and headed inside the house, fumbling with the key to unlock the door in the dark only for a moment.


I didn't get to see Jared the next day. He was busy working on the farm, as he had said he would be. I went with my family out to eat, and then spent the rest of the evening and night watching rented movies to pass the time. At ten o'clock, I felt as though I'd been up for days.  

"I'm going to bed," I announced, shoving myself up from the couch. 

"Goodnight, sweetie," my dad replied. My mom had fell asleep on our loveseat about an hour before.  

I walked to my bedroom and climbed slowly into my bed, saying a small prayer of hope to see Jared tomorrow.


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