chapter seventeen

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In the middle of our kiss, everything in the world had disappeared except Jared and I. We were the only two that existed, the only two that mattered. A drop of something cold and wet hit my forehead and ran down the side of my face. Once. Twice. I pulled away from our kiss and wiped my head.

“What in the wo---” I started, and was abruptly interrupted by a sudden downpour of rain. 

“Oh, damn!” Jared and I both exclaimed at the same time, jumping up from our blanket. Instantly, he grabbed the cooler, and I snatched the blanket up from the ground and we ran as fast as we could to the back sliding glass door of the cabin. We were outside in the rain for less than two minutes, and both of us were soaked head to toe. 

Jared dropped the cooler next to him on the floor by the back door, and I dropped the blanket on top of it. We looked at each other for a long moment, and then we both burst out laughing.

After a moment, Jared stepped closer to me and pulled my sopping wet hair back away from my face. “You,” he began, kissing first my collar bone, and then working his way up my neck, then jaw, and then my cheek, and then finally resting on my mouth, “are incredibly sexy when you are soaked to the bone from a random summer downpour.”

I leaned into his chest, his shirt just as soaked as mine, and wrapped my arms around him. I pressed my lips to his chest and said, “Well, thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” I looked up at him, meeting his gaze. 

“Ahem. Yeah, well,” Jared said after a few minutes, “I guess the rain is starting to let up. We better get going before the road here turns into a big mud pit and we can’t get out.” I didn’t want to leave the cabin. I wanted to stay here with him for always. But, he was right. Dirt and lots of heavy rain make for a very messy road.

We gathered our few belongings, and darted to his SUV during a slight break in the rain. The drive back, Jared turned the heater on to help us dry off a little, and to warm up some. The dirt road back was already pretty muddy and slushy. Thank God Jared had four wheel drive in his SUV. 


Thirty minutes later, we were slowly driving down my street,  headed towards my house. I didn’t know if my parents were back or not yet, but I was kind of hoping they weren’t. I wanted to get in the shower without too many questions. Jared pulled into my driveway, and with a quick but lingering kiss, I got out of his vehicle and waved good bye as he rolled back down the driveway and  headed off towards his house.

Hurrying inside, I realized my parents were still gone, so I stripped on the back porch to my underwear and bra, throwing the rest of my clothes in the washer. I headed straight to the bathroom and took the hottest shower that my skin could stand. I was frozen to the bone, it seemed!


The next day, I was supposed to be at the diner by nine-thirty for my first day of work. The diner opened at ten, and Ray wanted to have a little extra time to show me around and show me how things worked. 

Our Little Love Story *NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON KINDLE!!*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang