chapter twenty six

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The Marines. The few. The proud. Semper fidelis. Their ‘slogans’ kept running through my mind on the rest of the ride home. I had promised myself, and essentially Mr. Roberts, that I would be as supportive as possible of Jared’s decision to join the military. I looked across the interior of his SUV and studied him closely, and tried to picture him in military clothes -- decked out in camouflage. And to my surprise, it really wasn’t hard to do at all. 


High school graduation was upon us. The seniors had finished school about a week before everyone else. I was excited to start the next chapter of my life in one way, but at the same time, I was terrified out of my mind. Jared had completed all of the paperwork and things needed to join the Marines, and he was scheduled to leave for boot camp at the end of June, which was only three short weeks away. I had signed up for my general prerequisite classes at the local community college. I was fairly certain that I was going to pursue a nursing career, but no matter what I decided, I was going to need my generals out of the way.

Apparently, there were quite a few members of our senior class entering into the military right after graduation. Even a couple of girls were entering. My heart went out to them, and what they would likely endure during their career, but none held my heart as much as Jared’s decision. For almost two years now, he had been ‘mine,’ and he was safe. Once in the military, that safety net that he’d had his entire existence all but disappeared. There were several nights that I cried myself to sleep over his decision; but there wasn’t anything that I could do to change his mind. One thing that I knew better than anything about Jared was that once he fully decided on something, no one and nothing was going to change his mind. 

I woke up the morning of our graduation ceremony with dried tears on my cheeks. I was becoming less and less excited for graduation the closer that it approached. Because, really, let’s be honest here: if there wasn’t a graduation, and no diploma, I wouldn’t have to say good bye to Jared. He could stay here with me. Safe. It was an incredibly irrational thought, I knew, but I guess that’s why they call it ‘wishful thinking.’ 

I did my best to shove the military to the back of my mind and enjoy the festivities of today. The graduation was scheduled to start at five in the evening, and I had a long day of nothing at all planned. 


I was in the bathroom, finishing what little makeup I was applying, my hair already curled, and I glanced down at my light blue dress I had bought a few days ago for the ceremony. I walked into my room and was slipping on some white strappy dress shoes when I heard a soft knock at my bedroom door. Turning around, I saw Jared standing in the doorway, in dark khakis and a navy button up dress shirt with a tie. 

“Hey, babe. I just figured we could head to graduation together,” he said quietly.

“Oh, alright, sure,” I said, putting on a pair of diamond stud earrings. I walked over to my desk and picked up my bottle of perfume, added a few squirts, and set it back in its spot. “Let me just tell my dad. He was going to give me a lift, I think,” I added. I walked up to him and stretched onto my tip-toes to give him a quick kiss. He smiled and followed me into the living room. 

“Hey, sweetie. You look nice,” Dad said, glancing over at me upon my entrance. 

“Thanks. Um, I guess I’m just going to ride with Jared to school, so you guys don’t have to make two trips or whatever,” I informed him.

“Okay, I guess we’ll see you there, then,” my dad answered, and stood up to give me a quick hug and kiss before we left. My mom was in the kitchen getting Sam something to drink, and I gave them both a hug and kiss and then Jared and I were on our way.

Our Little Love Story *NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON KINDLE!!*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें