chapter twenty seven

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I had never known in my entire life that three whole weeks could fly by in the blink of an eye practically. But here it was. D-day, as I had begun to refer to it. The day that Jared left for boot camp to begin his career as a Marine. The day that I had been dreading for almost two months now.

It was still dark outside of my window. Turning around, my alarm clock showed that it was only shortly after five in the morning. My house was settled into a deafening quiet. Sighing, I scooted back underneath my covers; pulling them up to my chin. I stared blankly at the ceiling; half trying to fall back asleep, and half trying to make myself believe that today wasn’t D-day.


The sound of a little bird chirping obnoxiously woke me from my dreamless sleep. Moaning at the sound, and the sunlight pouring through my window, blinding me, I pulled the covers up over my head. I could hear my cell phone buzzing away on my computer desk.

“Damn it,” I muttered, throwing the covers off of my head and stretching to grope blindly for my phone. I finally reached it, and held it out in front of me. One missed call. I flipped it open to see who’s call I had missed. Jared’s. “Damn it, again,” I said a little more loudly. It was also almost nine in the morning now, and my parents had been gone for work for an hour and a half now. 

Sitting up in the middle of my bed, my blankets pooled into a pile in my lap, I dialed Jared’s number and listened to his generic ‘elevator music’ ring tone, waiting for him to answer, which he did, about halfway through.

“Hey, I just called you,” he said.

“I know. I was asleep. I had woke up at five and had a hard time going back to sleep. Do people seriously get up at that time of day on a regular basis? It was pitch black out,” I said, combing some of the tangles out of my hair with my fingers.

“Yeah,” Jared’s laughter carried through the phone, “they do. I was just wondering what you were up to. I thought we could hang a little early today,” he said.

“Uh, sure,” I answered, glancing down at my tank top and shorts I had worn to bed last night.

“Good. I’ll be right over,” Jared said, and then ended the call. 

I flopped back down onto my pillow and pulled the covers over my head once more. He had seen me naked on numerous times, I didn’t really care if he saw me in my makeshift pajamas now. Five minutes or so later, a soft knock sounded on my bedroom door.

“Come in,” I mumbled, still underneath the covers, but with my back facing towards my door.

“Hey, sleepy head. You better get up,” Jared said. I could hear the smile in his voice. 

“Or you can just come to bed with me and we can sleep the day away,” I replied, pretending to be stubborn.

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