22 Let It Bleed: Part 3

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I ran through the halls, desperately searching for an exit, when I heard familiar voices echoing down the hall.

"Brat's not going anywhere. And neither am I," Lisa growled menacingly.

I turned the corner to find a broken wooden door, and there stood Lisa with black eyes, holding a knife to Ben's neck. Dean was standing there, looking stunned by the situation.

The demon noticed me and taunted, "Oh, look, the little birdy has left her cage. How'd you get out?"

Dean and I looked at each other without exchanging words, but I could see a mix of relief and worry in his eyes.

The demon sighed and looked back at Dean. "Crowley thought you might come, so he had me jump this hot little piece of ass for insurance. Can't go losing our leverage now, can we?"

Dean stepped forward, but the demon tightened her grip on the knife. "Ah. Another step. Free appendectomy." She glanced at Ben. "You know she's awake in here, your mom. I can hear her thinking."

"Don't listen to her, Ben," Dean urged.

"What?" The demon looked up at Dean. "I was just gonna tell him that you're his real daddy." My eyes widened in shock, but then she laughed. "Just kidding." She looked down at Ben. "Who knows who your real dad is, kid? Your mom's a slut."

"You shut your mouth," Dean snapped.

"Oh, what, you're her white knight now? She wishes she never met you, Dean. You're the worst mistake she ever made," she said, nudging Ben. "Second worst, after keeping you."

"That's not your mom, Ben. She's lying," I interjected.

The demon laughed. "Says the abortion survivor with ten miles of daddy issues. Did either of your parents ever love you, or did your dad just take you in to clean up another mistake he made?"

"Screw you, bitch." I glared at her.

The demon laughed, and Dean took a step toward her. "Uh, uh. Back off, cowboy." She looked down at Ben. "You know she's begging me to kill you. She says you hold her back. Never had a lick of fun since you were born."

"Ben, look at me. Look at me. You're gonna be just fine," Dean reassured him before splashing holy water in the demon's face. She screamed, releasing her hold on Ben, and Dean quickly pulled him away. "Go!"

Ben ran past Dean, and I stepped forward to shield him. The demon charged Dean with the demon knife. He managed to pin her against the wall, knocking the knife from her grasp and kicking it behind him.

"Maddi, knife!" Dean yelled as the demon pushed him off of her.

"What's the matter, Dean?" the demon taunted. "Hit me! Oh, you don't wanna hurt poor Lisa." She laughed.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus..." Dean began to recite.

"Shut your mouth." The demon punched Dean.

"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica..." Dean continued. "Ergo draco maledicte."

The demon grabbed Dean by the throat.

"Ecclesiam..." I joined in.

"Stop it." The demon growled at me as she held onto Dean.

"Tuam..." I continued.

"I'm warning you." She glared at me.

"You can go to Hell, you black-eyed bitch." Dean gritted through his teeth.

The demon let go of Dean, and he caught his breath as she grabbed a knife from a table. "You sure about that?" she asked as she stabbed herself in the stomach.

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