3 Two and a Half Men: Part 1

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June 9th – June 11th, 2011

After what happened a few weeks ago, Dean thought it would be safest for everyone if we moved. Lisa wasn't super thrilled, but she understood. Ben, on the other hand, was not happy about the move at all.

Lisa and I unpacked some boxes in the living room while Ben sat on a table, looking very unhappy.

"What's up?" Lisa asked him.

Ben shook his head solemnly. "Nothing."

Lisa nodded. "At least wait until you've checked the place out before you hate it. Open mind, that's all I ask."

Ben sighed. "Yeah, all right." He stood up, walked over to his bike helmet, and approached the door. "I'll be back."

"Oh, hey," Dean said as he walked in with a box and looked at Ben. "Where's the fire?"

Ben rolled his eyes. "Just going to check out the block."

"And let your mom unpack the kitchen by herself?" Dean asked. "Come on."

Lisa looked at Ben sympathetically. "We'll go for lunch later. Scope out the neighborhood." She looked at Dean. "Right?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah, sounds like a plan." He looked down at Ben. "Come on, why don't you give me a hand?"

Ben nodded, and then he walked out of the room with Dean.

Lisa and I were silent while unpacking boxes until I cleared my throat. "Hey, um, I never thanked you for everything you've done for me."

Lisa smiled and shook her head. "You don't have to thank me."

I nodded. "Well, thank you anyway." I sighed and shook my head. "I'm just sorry, you and Ben had to uproot everything because of us."

Lisa shrugged. "I knew what I was getting into."

"You know, Dean cares about you a lot. So, I just want you to know that I know first-hand how crazy he can get trying to keep you safe," I said.

"That why he wouldn't let Ben take his bike out?" Lisa smirked.

I nodded. "Yeah, definitely."

She nodded, and we went back to unpacking. "Hey, Maddi, I want you to know something too."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Ben and I care a lot about you too. I don't want you to think that you're just an outsider to our little family that we've started." She shook her head. "I feel like I haven't done a good enough job letting you know you're part of the family, too," Lisa said.

I was a little caught off guard by that. I just felt like I was living with my brother and his girlfriend. I never really thought about it as a family. I was just there.

I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you, that honestly means a lot."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

About an hour later, the doorbell rang, and Dean answered it. I saw through the window that a pizza delivery man was standing there.

"Hi," the pizza guy said.

Dean nodded. "Hey."

"One cheese, one everything?" the pizza guy asked.

"Yeah. Thank you." Dean took the pizza and then paid the man. "There you go. Keep the change."

Ben, Lisa, and I stood there, staring at Dean, annoyed as he closed the door and turned around.

Dean looked at us, pretending to be confused. "What?"

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