16 The French Mistake: Part 4

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We walked back onto the set of Supernatural and passed some actors, fake fighting each other in front of a green screen and a fake Impala.

"Okay, maybe we can't get out of, uh, you know, Earth number two right now, but the least we can do is get the hell out of the Canadian part of it," Dean said.

Sam nodded. "Yeah."

"I hear one more conversation about hockey. I'm gonna puke," Dean said.

"Wait a minute. This way, this way, this way," Sam said, pointing the opposite way from where Dean was trying to exit.

Dean shook his head. "No, no, no. It's this way." He pointed forward and continued walking.

"No, Dean, look, I really— I really think that we should..." Sam turned to face Dean and noticed Virgil standing in front of him. "Dean!"

"You think you can run?" Virgil asked and put his hand on Dean's forehead.

"No!" Sam and I yelled, but nothing happened.

"Sorry, dude." Dean chuckled. "Mojo-free zone." Then he punched Virgil.

"No magic in the house," Sam said.

"Which makes you nothing but a dick!" I yelled.

Then Sam and Dean started fighting with him until several people ran up and pulled the fight apart.

"No, no, no!" Sam yelled as he was pulled away. "Stop! You don't understand! No, no, no!" Then Virgil took off.

Then, someone grabbed me and started pulling me away.

"You're dead, Virgil! Virgil! I'm gonna break your friggin' neck!" Dean shouted as he was dragged away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We returned to "Bobby's study when we were finally free."

Dean shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, Virgil broke through. Maybe he's got a way to get back."

"Or he has no juice here, and now he's stuck, like us," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, either way, I want to finish kicking his ass."

"There you are, guys! You got a minute?" The director startled us when we walked in and saw him sitting behind Bobby's desk.

Sam shook his head. "Actually, we're— we're looking for, uh—"

The director nodded. "For that extra you tried to kill?" He looked at me. "This is because of you, isn't it? I knew it was only a matter of time before you snapped." He rolled his eyes. "Child star syndrome and all that. It's getting worse the older you get." He pointed at me. "But you, young lady, are on a whole new level. I have never met someone so self-indulgent, entitled, and downright nasty in all my years working in this industry. You're a terrible influence."

I shook my head. "But, I—"

He glared at me. "You know what? It's decided, I'm killing Maddison off..." He shrugged. "Cons... fans will be devastated... pros... it'll make for great TV, and none of us will have to deal with you anymore."

My heart skipped a beat for a second out of fear that whatever happened on the show in this reality would impact my real life. "Um, sir, please don't kill off my character. My actions shouldn't affect Maddison... or— or the fans, of course."

He glared at me. "You're right. Maddison doesn't deserve the brutal death I'm going to give her." He threatened. "But maybe you should've thought about that sooner."

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