1 It's a Normal Life For Me: Part 3

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February 18th, 2011

As one could only imagine, Dean was not very happy with my decision about school and told me that the only thing I could do was work. He said that if I didn't want to take school seriously, he wanted me to see what I would do without it for the rest of my life. He even went so far as going with me to make sure I pulled myself out of my MMA classes. He even took my phone and texted my paintball teammates that I would no longer join them.

Of course, I told him I would do what he asked, but then I went along and rejoined my classes. I told my teammates that my brother had taken my phone and that I would still hang out with them. If he ever questioned why I was going out, I just told him I had opened my availability and headed to "work."

One day, while sparring with my coach in the ring, something caught my eye long enough to get pinned.

My coach stood up and held his hand out to help me up. "Remember to stay focused."

"Sorry," Dean said, staring up at me with irritation all over his face. "I think I was distracting her."

I took a deep breath. "Dean... I can explain."

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure you can... in my truck, on the way home. Come on, get your stuff, let's go."

I turned to my coach. "I'm sorry." I jumped out of the ring and threw my stuff in my duffel. "I'll finish up tomorrow."

"No." Dean snatched my bag off the ground and threw it over his shoulder. "This will be the last time she's at any of your classes."

"Dean, come on," I said.

"No, you come on. Let's go." He put his hand on my back. "Get moving," he said as he shoved me along toward the door.

"Sir!" my coach shouted from the ring. "She's one of my best students. I think it would be a mistake to pull her."

"Yeah." Dean scoffed. "Maybe for your bank account."

He shoved the front door open, and we stepped onto the sidewalk.

I shrugged his hand off of me. "You don't have to shove me around. I've got it."

He tossed my duffel into the bed of his truck. "Yeah, that's why you're back here after I told you you couldn't come back." I opened my door and got in, and then he followed shortly behind. "You still doing paintball too?"

I didn't answer his question.

Dean shook his head and put the truck in drive. "Wow, you are unbelievable. We don't lie to each other, Maddison!"

I shook my head and laughed. "You are not going to sit there and lecture me about lying."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked.

"You've lied to Sam and me multiple times! And now you're all high and mighty about it?" I shook my head. "I don't think so... besides, my lies were not that serious."

"First of all! Cut it with the lip." He glanced over at me. "Second, besides the fact that you went against exactly what I asked you not to, what if something had happened to you? No one would have any idea where you were."

"I was fine, Dean," I said.

He nodded. "Yeah, this time." He shook his head. "You know what? That's not the point. This is only gonna work if you start listening to me."

"What's gonna work?" I asked, "Being forced into a life I never wanted?" I shook my head as we pulled into the driveway.

Dean looked over at me. "This life is safe, which is what I want for you."

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