My Will

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I open my eyes to the smell of bacon and the sun in my eyes. And the sound of voices. Damn, the boys were here. I hear the door open and the voices pass by my room.

'Babe. Wake Up!! I brought pancakes!!!' With that magic word I sat up straight and motioned for Jem to give me the pancakes. He smiles. I dig into my pancakes after smothering them with whipped cream

'Now while the boys are settling in your going to tell me about your Will or Jem... Now go!' He says and I swallow.

'Okay first of all NO innteruptions. Secondly, I will only say his name once the explaining is over and then I will yell at you. Imagine it this way, I'm Jem, the guy I had was Tessa and his dream career was Will. Okay so you know how. Jem let Will go after Tessa and let them be happy? Well I did that. He wanted to follow his dream career his Will and although he loved me I thought he would alway love it a bit more so I let him go but the way I did it in broke me. And even now I can barely talk about it' I feel the tears coming down my face 'thats why I cry out in my nightmares begging someone to forgive me. I'm positive he hates me now. Thats-thats-thats why!' I say through my tears holding back my sobs, 'I gave him up and unlike Tessa he never looked back, we never had our meetings once a year for a hour where we could talk and I could tell him how sorry I am, how much I miss him' and the sobs come 'and you invited him into our house!' I sob glaring at Jem and he looks up in shock 'yes Jem, Niall Fucking Horan, Niall Fucking Horan is my Will'

'Babe I had no idea I'm so sorry' he says hugging me 'I'm sorry do you want me to make them leave?' He says and I shake my head

'I think I can deal with them for a few days' I say wiping away my tears

'Thanks babe,' he says smiling. 'I love you Char' he says and I smile

'Love you too Jem'

After taking a long shower I got into my room and dressed in a maroon skater skirt and a black tank top. I pulled on some lacy tights and laced up my black combat boots. I brushed my hair and bobby-pinned my fringe back. And put on my black cardigan out of necessity. I looked over at my make-up bag and I roll my eyes. Nope I am not going to bother they're only the 5 most popular boys on the planet. I walked out of my room humming The Reckless and the Brave by All Time Low. As I enter the kitchen I see 5 boys sitting around the breakfast bar. I smile

'Morning boys!!' I say loudly

'Morning Char!!' They say in unison, I smile

'So what are we doing today?' Harry says sliding his arm around my waist

'Hopefully not invading other peoples personal bubbles' I say removing his arm and smiling at him cheekily!

'Char is the master of sass' Jem said laughing I look around at them and notice that someone was missing 'Oh btw Char, Niall's spending today with his family' he says easing my mind. At least now I'm not scared half out of my mind, expecting him to creep up behind me. I smile

'So what are we doing today?' I ask and the boys exchange glances

'MOVIE DAY!!' Louis screams and I smile

'And to think I got dressed up for this!' I say shaking my head and laughing

'What now Paranormal Activity or Toy Story?' I ask praying for the latter but of course I was overruled. So I sat clutching a pillow to my chest and biting it every time I felt the urge to scream. I hear someone laugh and I see Harry staring at me. I try to smile but it comes out as a grimace and he moves to sit on the empty seat next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders and it took me back to a couple years before.

A Few Years Ago

'Babe what do you want to watch?' Niall yelled from the lounge

'You pick!' I yelled back from the kitchen. I walked into the room with the popcorn to see the start screen for Paranormal Activity, I turn to him shocked

'Ni why did you pick this?' I say to him

'Because...Callum said that you needed a real man. One who could sit through a horror movie and protect you from all the monsters. I wanted to prove to you that I could be a real man' he said looking down at his hands the whole time.

'Oh Niall. Don't listen to what he says I love you just the way you are!!!! I love that you watch little kiddie movies with me without complaint and that i'm your princess and that you love me as much as I love you! And that you swear I'm the only girl your ever going to love' I say feeling the tears prickle my eyes 'Ni I love you for you' I said. We then watched all of it, and both ended up not sleeping at all that night.

Present Day

The movie was over and someone turned on the lights I see all the boys asleep, so who turned the light on?? My first thought was that fucking Katie from the movie had broken into my house and turned the light on to murder me. But then I looked towards the light switch and what is saw was worse. It was blonde and irish and my worst nightmare.

'Last time I watched that I couldn't sleep all night' He says to me and I face away. Maybe he doesn't recognise me

'Same' I said as I re-moved Harry's arm from around my shoulders. I stood up and walked out into the kitchen to get a drink.

'Charlotte?' Niall says and I freeze, he's right behind me 'How old are you?'

'19' I reply trying to sound natural

'Charlotte? Whats your last name?' He says and I know I'm caught

'My name is Charlotte Mae' I say and i hear him gasp as I turn around. Nope he knew it was me.

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