Ch.3: A Beautitul Little Fool

Start from the beginning

I tipped my hat playfully and gave him a spin, my dress fanning out around me and my gloved hands poised outwards. The Doctor chucked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah. I went a bit overboard, I know."

I waited by the door as the Doctor took of his key to pay the cashier. I couldn't hold back my massive grin as we exited the store and blended back into the crowd, the clicking of my heels joining that of the rest of the women around me.

The Doctor held out his hand invitingly, playfully saying, "My lady. Shall we?"

"We shall," I took his hand and we continued down the street together.

We'd only made it a few steps before a loud shouting voice nearly startled me to death.

"Stop right there!" I glanced over to see two policemen standing beside their patrol car pointing at us, "Yes you two! With the fancy dress and the bow tie!"

The Doctor and I stared at them for a moment like deer caught in the headlights before Doc finally came to his senses.

"Sorry, officer. Have we done something wrong?" Doctor asked apprehensively.

"Nice try buddy," One of the policemen chuckled and pulled out his gun, pointing it on us, "Hands up, approach slowly, don't even think about trying anything stupid."

My eyes widened impossibly as we obeyed, gradually inching towards the officers with our palms up towards the sky.

One of them pulled my hands behind my back, beginning to snap handcuffs on my wrists while blandly saying, "You and your wife are under arrest for shoplifting."

"Oh no! We're not...we're not like...together-" The Doctor and I stuttered simultaneously before being cut off my a dismissive wave from the officer.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be used..."

I glared up at the Doctor as the policemen read us our rights.

"You didn't pay for the stuff?!" I whispered harshly at him.

He ignored me, glancing at the officer behind him fumbling with the handcuffs before slowly moving one hand to his back pocket.

I entered a state of silent shock as I was shoved into the police car beside the Doctor, wincing at the harsh slam of the door. I internally scolded myself. I knew I should have never trusted him.

"Get ready to run, Alice," Doctor whispered warily, discreetly fishing a strange metal stick with a glowing green light on the end out of his pocket and showing it to me with a handcuffed hand.

"Doctor, what are you doing?! We just got arrested and you're waving a useless metal thing around?!" I whisper-yelled.

"It is not useless! It's my sonic screwdriver!" Doctor said, patting it with his hand as if it had feelings, "And tell me this, Alice, these are just police officers, correct? Just people?"

"Yeah...why?" I asked unsurely. I was afraid where this was going.

"If they're human, then why can they see us with these on?" Doctor asked slowly, looking down at his key necklace.

"Oh." I gasped, widening my eyes as I realized, "Oh."

Suddenly Doctor pushed a button on his sonic screwdriver and it made a strange "EeEeEeEe" noise. He distorted his handcuffed wrist and pointed it at the officer in the drivers seat, causing it to shudder and let out an inhuman screech. I stared, horrified, as the creature's human-looking skin disguise peeled away, falling to the floor of the car in a puddle to reveal its true self. The creature was black and blurry, its feautres looking as if they had been smudged away to a blur. It screeched again to reveal long, razor-sharp fangs.

"D-Doctor...W-what are those?" I stuttered.

"Their called Xylima, and," Doctor said, unlocking the car doors with a click of the sonic screwdriver.

I contorted myself to get my hand on the door handle, pushing it outward and tumbling out of the vehicle with the Doctor close behind. I glimpsed the second officer's skin melting away in the passenger seat as I ran as fast as I could past the car. I clumsily dodged the people on the sidewalk, who seemed completely oblivious to the monster-like creatures pushing past just behind them. I realized they must not be able to see them or the two people in handcuffs stumbling past them.

My lungs were already gasping for air by the time I got to the end of the block with the Doctor beside me, glancing back to see both Xylima startlingly close behind.

I sprinted down a nearby alleyway, swerving away from the creatures as they reached their long talon-like claws towards me. I tried to jump over a stack of cardboard boxes blocking the path but my foot caught on the top of them, and I ended up falling over them, hitting hard against the ground. I struggled to get to my feet, feeling lightheaded, and staggered away as fast as I could, my heart pounding. An immense pain erupted on my arm, and I stifled a scream, whipping around to see that one of the creatures had scratched me with its talons. Three long slices in my skin trekked down my arm, beginning to bleed.

"Doctor!" I cried out.

My vision began to spin out of control, I felt lightheaded and dizzy, and my ears were ringing. I dragged myself as far away from the creatures as possible before I collapsed against a wall. I felt warm, wet liquid dripping down my arm.

"Alice!" I heard the Doctor's voice call. It sounded as if there were a thousand Doctors calling to me at once, all muffled and mixed together. I felt him next to me.

"My...arm," I managed, but even with all my effort put into it, it still sounded slurred, as if I were drunk.

"We can't...they...coming, up," I could only hear parts of what the Doctor was saying, the rest sounded muffled and far away.

I felt something grab my hand and force me to my feet. A rush of nausea greeted me as I stood up. I groaned and tried to say something but nothing came out. Everything around me felt as if were not really happening. Everything was milky white and blurred as if I were in a dream, and it felt as if I were floating.



Another brief A/N: Does Xylima sound like a skin disease to you? It kinda does to me now that I'm reading it over...

Anyways, please vote this chapter, and comments, good or bad, are always ALWAYS appreciated.

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