Chapter Twenty Five : Mature

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I loom over her.  "Where were we?"

"You were getting handsy under my shirt before you rudely threw my on the bed."

"This is handsy." I grin, reaching my hands back under her shirt.  I press my lips to her, meeting my tongue to hers.  I move my hands higher and higher, our bare stomachs touching.  I move down to her belly button, kissing her soft skin up to her ribs.

"Hey! That tickles." She sits up, pulling her shirt up over her head and tossing it aside.  "This might be easier."  She wraps her arms around my waist as I pull her lips back to mine.  My fingers trace down her shoulder to her bra strap. 

"Still okay?" I ask. She nods, and I move my hands to her back, unhooking it.  She lets it fall off her shoulders, before adding it to the pile on the floor.  She looked back at me, sheepishly. "God, Char."  I pull back, just enough to look at her.

"What?" She asks nervously.  I lean her back down, straddling her, and kiss her neck. 

"You're so damn gorgeous." I breathe.  I kiss down her collarbone, pressing myself against her.  I trail slowly across her chest, her back arching towards me.  I continue down to her waistband, nibbling at her hips.

"Keep going." She moaned before I could ask.  I unhook her jeans, pulling them slowly down her sleek legs.  She sits up, reaching for mine.  She kisses my abs as she unzips my jeans, pulling them low enough to remove. She pauses, looking up to me. "I don't know how to do this." She confesses.

"Do what?"

"Um." She motions towards my bulge in front of her. OH!

"Don't worry about that.  Let me make all of this up you tonight." She nods, leaning back.  I continue back up her thigh, lingering at her waistband.  "May I?" She nods.  I grab the band at her hips, pulling them down slightly. I kiss around her, in between her thighs, before pulling them completely down. Damn.. I toss them on the floor.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She breathes heavily. "I mean, with me?"  I sit on my knees, pulling her onto my lap so that she is  straddling me. 

"Hell yes I do. I've wanted you since I met you Princess. But only if you're ready."

"I am." She agrees, pulling my mouth to hers.


It wasn't as awkward as I expected. I didn't feel like a complete noob, but maybe it's just because Baylor knew what he was doing.


The ones who's had 80 something partners.

Panic begins setting in as I lie there next to him in his bed, his face snuggled into my neck. I can't sleep.

I keep staring at the clothes on the floor. The clothes I've yet to put back on despite my fear of someone walking in or him seeing me in the light and just the shame of being here naked in my boyfriends bed. What would my father say??

I won't lie, it was amazing. I didn't know I could feel something like that. It was intense, maybe not magical like I imagined, but holy shit. Now that we had broken that barrier, would this be a nightly thing? Would I stop being sore? Would I get better at it?

I wanted to cry, and for reasons I didn't even understand. I was confused, but happy, but sad, and I didn't know what to think of the sex or of myself. What was Baylor thinking, or what would he be thinking if he was awake? If I asked him all these questions, would it turn him off?

I needed to talk to someone, and obviously not my father. I picked up my phone from the ground and texted Kira.

*hey, you awake?*

K*Of course I am! Since when do I sleep Char? What's up?*

*promise you won't freak out*

K*Um, maybe?*

*baylor and I kind of.... you know...did it...*



*eew no no details!!! i don't know what i'm supposed to be feeling right now but i don't think i feel happy. does that make sense?*

K*Honestly, yes. I'm pretty sure everyone goes though that. Sex is so hyped up, and it's different for everyone, when you finally do, it can be unexpected or even a complete disappointment. That's totally understandable. Did it hurt or was it not good or just not what you thought it would be? I was soooo embarrassed when I did it the first time. I swore it off-for like a week lol. It gets better, I promise. And no, it won't always hurt.*

I smiled, slightly relieved. She answered every question without even having to ask it.

*i'm glad that i'm not just messed up then. i'm freaking out over here.  what if it wasn't good for him?  i didn't know what I was doing at all.*

K*Sweetie, relax.  No one knows what they're doing the first time.  And it's clear that Baylor loves you.  He'll be patient with you and knew when you started that you were new at this.*

I breathe deeply.  She's right, I think, or at least hope.  He didn't seem disappointed, but what do I know. I text her goodnight and turn to face him.  He groans quietly as he pulls me into his chest, kissing my forehead.

"Why are you awake Char?" He whispers.

"I couldn't sleep." I said, which wasn't technically a lie.

"You're thinking about the sex, aren't you?" My eyes went wide.

"How did you know?" I gasped.

"Because I know you, and I know what it's like to have anxiety, and I've done this before."  Yea, 80 times before.  I swallow my pride.

"Is just worried.  What if I can't please you? What if I don't get better at it?" I feel like crying.

"Babe, it's pretty obvious I'm pleased.  But more than that, I want it to be mutual. If you aren't ready, we won't do it anymore.  That's okay.  I love you, and as long as you're comfortable, I'm fine too. But to answer your question-it was amazing, and you are good, even if you don't really know all the secret tricks and what not."

I nod as he wipes the tears from my cheeks.  He props himself up to look at me. 

"Are you sure?" I ask, feeling even dumber.

"Whatever will make you comfortable is what I'm worried about. A man can survive without sex, contrary to popular believe."

"Can a woman?"

"Oh, maybe I should be asking if I was good." He chuckled, before sliding out of a bed. "Want to come on a run with me?"

"That sounds refreshing." I agree.

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