Chapter Seventeen : Embracing sensuality

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I see Char head for the shower as I finish up on the phone with the shop.  Car should be fixed after the weekend without any damage.

I stand in the hall outside the bathroom, listening to her hum something slow and beautiful. I hear the shower sputter to life and make my way to my room, stripping off my soaked shirt and pants. I pull off my underwear and stand there a moment, letting myself dry off. im too focused on her right now that i cant even feel too worried about my car. i smile, remembering the taste of her tongue against mine, when suddenly i hear a gasp. Standing behind me is Char, wrapped in only a towl, her eyes wide in either horror or I can hope amazement.

"Oh, gods Baylor I'm so sorry." She stutters. " I just needed my clothes and thought you were in the other room." Her face is beat red.

"No it's okay!" I laugh, embarrassed, covering my goods with my hands and grinning stupidly at her. she blushes hard and spins around to escape the awkward moment, and runs hard into the wall, dropping to her knees.

"Owe." She moans.

"God char you okay?!" I yell, jumping up to help her.

"Yea I'm okay. Oh." She says, her eyes wide again, trying not to look down.

"Um, sorry." i say, Glancing down at myself. "I'm kinda confident about all this." I grin.

"Uh huh." She lets out a half laugh.


He's so close. I shake my head and pull the towel closer, blushing deeply deeply.  It's harder than I expected to not look, so I just close my eyes. 

"I'm going to finish my shower." i manage to get out. 

He stands and helps me up, turning me away from him. I hear his pacing and the sound of drawer sliding open and closed.  I turn slightly and watch him from the mirror.  He is definitely not hurting in any aspect.  He looks up suddenly, catching my gaze.

"What is it princess?" He asks coming over with his cocky smile. I blush deeply and turn away. He laughs gently and wraps his arms around my waist. Nuzzling my neck softly with a light kiss. I smile to myself and lean into him, forgetting about the shower my almost naked self.  He sighs and puts his forehead against the nape of my neck before  pulling away.

"Go take your shower." He says softly before returning to the other room, running his hand through his hair.  I chew my lip and fight the anxiety rising in my stomach.  Is he feeling regret?


I had to stop. Stop. Stop putting us in these situation. Stop making unwanted advances. Stop feeling for her.. No, that's the one thing I would allow myself, was to love her. You need to get ahold of yourself, I mutter. I was stuck between hitting the sun and sinking into the abyss. I either raped her with my charm or hurt her with my attitude. I knew she wouldn't be able to tell me no if allowed my hormones to take over. And I refused to hurt her.

20 minutes later she walks back into the main room, changed into ripped skinny jeans and a Flyleaf hoodie. I force a smile.

"Hey." I say, sounding robotic.

"I'm gonna go to Kira's for a little bit, text me if my dad comes by again."

You screwed up big time dumbass, I yell at myself. I feel so done.

"Actually I was gonna go hit the gym, but if I beat you both here, I'll let you know."

"Whatever." She mutters, but I feel like she's screaming at me. She marches out the door, shutting it just hard enough to rattle my emotions.

A few hours later, she comes marching back through the door.

"We need to talk." She says, flatly.

"I agree." I stand to meet her.

"What's going on with you?  One minute you're being super passionate and the next you're pulling away and being distant." I know she's probably hurt, but it's frustrates me.

"What about you Princess? What is it you want? Do you want me to fuxk you or do you want me to fuxk off? Because you sure act like they're the same thing.  One second you're moaning in lust and the next you're close to tears. What the hell am I doing wrong?"

"It's not lust!" She yells , a tear rolling down her cheek. "Maybe if you weren't playing with my emotions I-"

"I'm not fracking playing this game Char!" I yell, and immediately regret. She bites her lip as she blinks back the tears trying to escape.

"So that's all it is Baylor?" She whispers. "This is all a game to you?" I open my mouth and shut it again, not knowing what to say. Of course it's not. "I think I should go." She finally says.

"No." Is all I can say.

"And why should I stay?"

"I've been pushing you away because I don't want to get carried away and do something you're not ready for. I don't know how much you feel for me. I respect you too much to try to get your pants off and later find out if you were or weren't okay with it. Notice every time we get intimate is when I pull away? It's because I don't know if I'm just charming you into it or if you're actually ready for.

"That's it?" She says, surprised. I nod.

"I thought, I thought you were disappointed, or not actually into it. Or something."

I pick her up in my arms, burying my face into her neck. "Please don't push me away."

"I just don't understand Baylor. Do you want to be with me or not? Is our entire relationship going to be make outs and then the silent treatment?"

"I don't know how to make you understand. You don't know what I'm capable of. I can make perfectly pure girls willing to go dark for me. I don't want you to be tempted by me. You mean so much more to me than any girl ever has, I don't want you hurt in that way."

"From now on, I'll be more trusting of you with my heart.  And I am promising you now that I trust you, so you don't have to be afraid."


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