Chapter Ten : Doctor who?

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I'd never seen Doctor Who.  My sister was obsessed with it, but since she's a veterinary student, I assumed it was a type of documentary. Turns out, it's about a time traveling alien and has nothing to do with PHD's! I stayed up watching long after she had fallen asleep against my shoulder.

I wake up at 8:30 am to my alarm singing "I want to know what love is" softly from my jeans pocket. How appropriate, I chuckle. I look down and see that Char and I are entangled, her face pressed against my chest and our legs in a match of twister. She murmurs something in her sleep. I sweep the hair from her face an watch her. She's a very beautiful girl, and it pains me that I can't have something with her. I tickle her side until she groans and swings at me.

"Whaaaaat." She grumbles into my shoulder. Then she sits straight up, staring wide eyed at me.

"Why are you in my bed?"

"Because you asked me to!" I freak.

"Oh. Oh yea." She laughs at herself.

I jump up, pulling the sheets with me and tying them around my neck. "Citizen I'm starving." I say in my best Superhero voice. "Now that I am done saving you I must quench my appetite or my super powers will fade."

"You're too blond to be Superman." She rolls her eyes and pulls back the blanket.

"There are infinite other hero's out there that are." I argue. "Like Captain America."

"More like Captain Underpants." She laughs, gesturing to my boxers.

"He was bald, but point taken. Do you like coffee?"

"Are there seriously still people in the world that don't? They should be exterminated."

"Easy Dalek, I take that as a yes?"

"Take it as a hell yes!" She throws her hands in the air.

"Then get dressed Princess, let's go to Granny's."

When we pull in, snowflakes have started decorating my wind shield. They cover her hair in sparkles and she grins wide. "What are you staring at?" She asks cautiously.

"You. I was thinking I need to get you down south."

"Excuse me??" Her brow furrows instantly.

"Like, literally the south!" I stammer. "Palm bay, Florida to be precise."

"So that's where you're from. Your nickname fits you even better." She laughs, looking up at the sky as the snow is falling on us. "I feel bad for you."

I get out and lock the doors. "Why? Palm Bay is a great place to live."

"You don't get snow too often." She points out.

I shrug. "Nah. But it's okay. I hate the cold." I hold the door open and follow her inside. We find a quiet booth in the corner and take a seat.

""But you miss out on the actual changing of seasons. There is nothing like walking through a park right when the leaves are changing from their lazy green to bright reds and warm oranges and even the strangely comforting browns that fall all around. And then that amazing day when you're crunching on the leaves turns into crunching in the snow." She finishes as the waitress comes over.

"Goodmorning. What can I get you?" She asks fondly.

"2 coffees?" Char nods in agreement.

"Coming right up." She winks at me before turning to walk away.

"Seriously?" Char sighs exasperated. I shrug innocently.

"That was beautiful." I grin. "There's a bit of a writer in you Vertruse."

"Here's your coffee." The waitress returns quickly. "What are you eating?"

"Bacon." We both simultaneously.

"And pancakes." Char adds.

"And eggs." I chime.

"Well done?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Of course not. Over easy."

"Same." Char says, grinning at the waitress.

"I will be right back then." She says hastily.

"You know, we've been roomates for a week. We've slept and showered together, yet I know close to nothing about you. Spill." I say leaning over my coffee anxiously.

"There's nothing to know about me." She says quietly. "I'm from Manhattan."
"Well now I know where to send you back if I get tired of you." I grin widely as she shows a hint of a smile.
"What about you? If you're from south Florida that's a hell of a drive. Why Coastal Ridge?"

"Because my New Yorker accent is sexier than my Floridian one." I say with a very bad impersonation.
"Uh huh." She raises an eyebrow.
"Guess we're both two shells waiting to crack." I grin seductively as I lean into her.
"Fine. Have it your way." She mutters, taking a big bite of toast

After breakfast, we decide to take advantage of the scenery and cruise around town. We stop at what I feel Is the longest red light ever.

"My parents think I got a football scholarship." I blurt out.

"Seriously? How do they not know the truth?" She asks confused.

"Just shows how much they love me." I grin. It doesn't really bother me. That's 19 years of getting used to it and never knowing different. "Actually," I pause thinking, "they used to care. Back when I was a kid. They still had the same ideals, like how I should be, but at least they showed up at my games, not just making sure we won when I got home. I guess some stuff happened between them, when I started middle school, and they just got kinda heartless." I say matter of factly and shrug.
"Dad had an affair when I was like, 13? Mom just laughed because she had one too. Pretty screwed up right?" I laugh lightly. Ridiculous things sound even more crazy when you say them out loud. "Can I ask you something?"

"Um, sure." She says hesitantly.

"Remember what you were saying earlier? About the changing of seasons and the tranquility it brings?"

"Yea, it was kinda sappy I know." She says bashfully.

"No no! It was beautiful I meant it. I was just wondering if maybe you would be my muse." I look at her, and she's just staring at me with big indigo eyes. They're like pools, deep and reflective and I wonder if I'm drowning. "I just, my thoughts have been everywhere and it's so hard to write lately. Then when I'm around you I feel like I can concentrate but at the same time I can't think straight and I love whatever the hell it is you do to me." I catch my breathe, trying not to regret bumbling like a hopeless romantic. I suddenly laugh loudly.

"What's so funny?" She looks both panicked and confused which makes it funnier.

"It's just, one time my dad saw that I was writing, when I was like 12. I naively told him it was a love story. He told me to quit or I'd end up like John green."

"Rich and famous?" She stifles a laugh.

"Ha, basically, but to him it wouldn't be worth it if I wasn't rich and famous for something to proud of."

"Writing is something to be proud of Baylor." She coxes.  It's the first meaningful thing she's said to me.

"We'll there's your answer. That's why I came to New York. I entered a writing piece in chance of receiving a full ride scholarship to Coastal Ridge, and I ended up being the top spot." I shrug humbly. I know it was grace and grace alone that put me here and I'm eternally grateful.

"Then yes, as long as I don't have to sit naked on a stool." She agrees.

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