Chapter Five : No, well yes

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  We are laughing so hard when we pull into the parking lot that I almost hit the curb. "Man i haven't had that much fun in a while." I gasp, leaning against the door. 

 James takes off his glasses to wipe his eyes before replying, "For real. Hey, if you want to come chill with us a bit longer that's totally cool." He offers and gets out of the truck. Kira smiles brightly and nods.

"It would really be cool, I can show you those games i was developing." She grins excitedly. 

 I shake my head and hold my hands up as we exit my truck. "It sounds like fun but i've had a long day already and I am beyond beat. Next time though okay?" I grin and pull the jacket closer to me as the brisk fall wind blows through. We get to the dead lobby and kira pulls me in for a hug. I'm taken back for a moment, but return it.  "Okay, next time you're coming even if I have to drag your butt out?" She smiles and pulls away. I nod.

 "Alright don't twist my arm. You have my number. I'll see you guys around."

"Goodnight Char!" They say simultaneously as I wave them off and head for the elevator. I glance down at my phone as it reads 2:04 a.m. 

"Well lets hope he isn't here." I mutter and get to my door. I pull out my keys to unlock it just as it begins to open for me. Before me stands a brunette who is wearing too much everything except for clothing. The strong smell of perfume and alcohol makes me sick.  She looks down at me from her stripper heels with a look of disgust. 

"You must be his roommate." she says smirking. "And I thought I was unfortunate."

 I tilt my head and give her the most sickly sweet smile I can produce. "Yeah and you were leaving, so get the hell out of my way." I push past her, flipping the bird as she stalks down the hallway. I turn back towards the door to Baylor leaning against it with a dopey grin on his face. For the 2nd time today, he was missing a shirt and pants.

"Move." I demand and push him out of the way. He staggers slightly and shuts the door after me. 

"Well hellooooo to you too." he slurs.  I stop and turn to actually look at him. 

"Oh. My. God. Didn't know I was that unbearable." I snap at him. I march into my room and almost shut the door on him. He catches himself on the frame before falling.

"No, well yes. Yes I was drinking but, I didn't go drinking because of you." He tries to say without slurring. "Can we talk? I want to, to apologize, for ditching me- I mean for ditching you. I feel, bad."

 "Yea, you look like you feel so bad.  Did you not get to finish before I rudely interrupted?"

 "Wait Char-"

  "Save your breath."  I mumble as I shove him out of my doorway.

 "Goodnight." He whispers as I slam the door.


 I woke up feeling like.. Well, even that word wouldn't cover it. It wasn't just the hangover, I hadn't drank THAT much. It was awful guilt twisting my stomach. I needed to talk to her. I sit up in bed and glance at the clock, 1:42pm. I can hear the light vibration of an electric guitar coming from her stereo. I ease myself up, trying to keep my brain from oozing out of my ears. I make my way across the bedroom and open the door. The light from the kitchen window casts 2 shadows on the floor.  Maybe I did drink too much. I walk into the hallway, only to trip over my own shoes and hit the floor. 

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