"But what if they corner one of us?" She asks, packing the pan away. 

"We won't split up. I don't know about you, but I don't want a recurrence of yesterday." I say and shudder slightly, draining the water from the sink.

"Yea, it didn't look like fun." she says and walks over to me. "We should get going now if we don't want to be late." she says and stops beside me.

I smirk and turn to her, bubbles still on my hands and arms and brush my hand over her face, leaving bubbles behind. She huffs and wipes her face. "Irene!" She wines, washing her face, I laugh and rinse and dry my arms, chucking a clean cloth to her and walking to my room to grab my bag.


We were walking past the same spot that the brothers had dropped us off at yesterday when the very same limo pulled up next to us and the door opened.

"Here comes Reiji to save the day, once again~" I mumble to Jess and she elbows me in the side and smiles as Reiji looks out at us. 

"Would you like a lift to school every morning?" He asks smiling gently at Jess, who blushes and says,"Yes please, but only if it's not too much trouble." (OMG Reiji smiles!! Forgive me while I go fangirl!)

He offers her his hand and she smiles, taking it as he says, "It's no trouble at all, this is along our way."

She blushes and climbs in and I follow and scowl,"If any of you so much as touches me or her, I'll cut your fingers off." They look at me a bit frightened as I make my way over to sit between Subaru and Laito while Jess sits between Shu and Reiji. I glare at Shu and he opens one eye to look at me and smirks. I roll my eyes and look at Subaru, who turns to look at me as the limo drives. I mumble softly so only he can hear,"Thank you for yesterday." He nods and looks out the window, blushing slightly.

I smile and look past him and out the window, instead my eyes land on Laito's reflection which is smirking at me. I roll my eyes and turn around to find his face inches away from mine.

"Back off hentai (pervert)" I growl softly.

"Or what~?" He says and moves a little closer, his lips just brushing mine. 

I growl and put my hand on his chest, pushing him away from me. He chuckles and smirks at me. I blush a dark red and look away from him. 

"Merde." (Shit in french) I mutter and glare out the window, my cheeks flaming. 

"I love it when you speak french~" Laito says, grinning as he trails a finger up my spine, I shiver and turn around, slapping his hand away as I hear a growl from one of the people in the limo.

I chuckle then, which surprises everyone except Jess. "You wouldn't like it if you knew what I was saying~" I say smirking at him.

He looks at me thoughtfully, a small smile on his face."It can't have been a good thing considering how angry you sounded last night~" He chuckles and slides a little closer, his leg against mine. 

I growl and move my leg away."Last night I was cursing you for stealing my phone you pervert, and-" 

"IRENE!" Jess shouts, cutting me off. "Calm down." 

I look at her and she looks back at me worried, I turn back to Laito and see he is looking at me in surprise and a little scared, I then realize I was leaning in closer towards him, and speaking rather loudly. I lean back blushing a dark red. "I apologize for my outburst, I don't know what came over me." I say staring down at my lap and digging my nails in to my palm.

I don't notice how all the boys exchange glances with each other and stare questioningly at Jess, who just shrugs.

Jess breaks the awkward silence by giving Reiji back the umbrella we borrowed yesterday and he hands me my phone which I take and thank him for before returning to glaring at my lap.


Jessica POV

We arrived at school and immediately heard shouting from outside. I look at Irene in confusion until Reiji sighs and massages the sides of his head and says,"Damn fangirls, why can't they just leave us alone?" 

I look at him in confusion and Ayato pipes in,"We have a reputation here~"

"We are the most popular guys in the school, all the girls are after us~" Laito finishes, winking at Irene who rolls her eyes. 

"You two had best stay close, they have been known to hurt anyone that is seen as getting too close to us." Shu says with a yawn. 

"Hurt us?" Irene muses and shoots me a quick smile and rolls her eyes, I stifle a giggle and we climb out one-by-one. 

Irene POV

I step out the limo after Shu and Reiji and keep my head down, following them quietly when suddenly someone grabs my hair and yanks me backwards. I stumble and a fist comes into view, connecting with my face. I growl and grab the hand on my hair and flip the person over my head, she cries out as she sails over my head and lands on her back on the concrete. Everyone looks at me shocked as I raise my hand to my face and it comes away with blood. I yelp in surprise and hold my broken nose, Jess hands me a handkerchief and I take it, thanking her as I look at the brothers who are all staring at me wide eyed and my guess, hungry.

"Merde." I growl clutching my nose, trying to stop the bleeding. 

"We need to get you to the infirmary." Jess says, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.

"I'll do it~" Laito says grabbing my other arm and picking me up bridal style.

I blush a dark red and struggle to get down."Oi! Hentai! Put me down, I can walk by myself!" 

He smirks and ignores my protests, carrying me towards the entrance, but someone grabs his arm and growls,"Laito. Put her down."

Laito stops and sighs, putting me on my feet and glaring at the person behind me. I turn and see Shu who then walks forward and grabs my free wrist and drags me inside.

Shu leads me to the infirmary and tells the doctor about how I 'tripped over a bag and hit my nose on a desk'. I growl at him but keep quiet. The doctor checks my nose, which had stopped bleeding and was no longer broken, just badly bruised.He chuckles and places a band aid over it. I sigh and groan as I realize that although it will heal completely in an hour I will still have to wear a band aid for the human facade for another day or two.

I thanked the doctor and woke up Shu who had fallen asleep on one of the beds and dragged him out the infirmary and towards our classroom. "Listen up cause I'm only going to say this once." I say as I stop infront of him. "Thank you for saving me from Laito and for helping me find the infirmary."

Shu smirks at me,"I didn't do it for free, I want something in return~"

I take a step back and glare at him. "What do you want?" I force out through gritted teeth, I had a good idea of what he would ask for and I steeled myself. I hated owing people things.

"Play for me everyday~" He says, smirking at me.

I stare at him, shocked a.d confused."Play for you?"

His smirk widens at my confusion and he chuckles before saying,"Yes, play the violin for me everyday at breaks."

I sigh,"Only second breaks and I'll do some times after school times. Deal?" I offer him my hand.

He takes my cold hand in his and shakes it before letting go, "Deal." He says and walks off to his lesson or more accurately the music room.

I sigh in frustration and make my way to my next lesson, groaning internally at the thought of school and lessons and wanting nothing more than to ditch class and sleep like Shu. However I knew Jess would not be happy with me if she found out I left her to suffer through classes alone, although I doubt she would notice my absence since almost all her classes have Reiji in them. I chuckle quietly and continue on, stifling a yawn.

Sooo...today is my second day of holidays...I'll be working on my story more and posting when I can.

Thank u to those that have read my book so far.

Pls like, vote and comment.


Ja ne~

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