Wedding Bells

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One week later...

It's the day. The day that I've been dreading. The day that my Dad and Erica tie the knot. The only upsides are: I get to wear a very pretty dress, my friends are invited and free food.

The ceremony only starts at 11:00, so I get to lie in for just a little bit longer. I snuggle closer into my fuzzy blanket. Today is supposed to be quite cold.

My phone buzzes and I reach for it.
You ready to give your dad away?
From what I've heard, Erica seems nice.
She is. A little too nice to be honest.
She's just trying to get on your good side.
I know. I should get out of bed and get dressed.
Same. See you later😘

I throw my covers off of me and jump out of bed. I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door and I rush over to open it. Erica peeks her head through and smiles.

"We're going to leave in about 10 minutes." She says.
I nod my head and smile. Erica disappears and I close the door gently. I walk over to my closet and take out my dress for the day.
Erica and I leave around 09:00 and make our way to the venue. It's at a bed and breakfast just outside of town near the bottom of the mountain. We booked a room so that Erica could get ready there.

We arrive and a large group of women in the same dresses swarm around Erica. I stand awkwardly outside of the circle and bite my lip. The joys of being younger. The group walk towards the room and before I can join them, the door slams in my face.

"I guess I'll just wait out here then." I grumble.
I decide that I need fresh air and I walk outside. In the distance I see a bench placed beneath an oak tree. I walk over(nearly falling in the process) and sit down.

I slide off my heels and just sit there, listening to the different sounds of nature. I hear the crunching of twigs and look over my shoulder to see Liam walking towards me.

He sits down next to me and smiles.
"Get kicked out?" He asks.
"Feet sore?"
I turn to face him and play with a loose strand of hair.
"What's the point in heels?"

He laughs and throws his head back a little too far. He grabs the back of his head and continues to laugh. I chuckle.
"You okay?" I ask.
"I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt." He replies with a small smile.
"You'll survive. I don't think I will." I say referring to the wedding.

Liam takes my hand and gives it a small reassuring squeeze.
"I know how hard it is but I know for a fact that you will definitely survive."
The pianist starts playing the special music. I'm tempted to put my fingers in my ears and close my eyes but I know that I shouldn't. It's not like I don't like Erica but I still haven't gotten over Mom.

The big oak doors open and all of the guests stand up. We all turn towards the aisle and Liam holds my hand behind my back.

Erica starts walking down and everyone is mesmerised by her beauty. Her wedding dress is very traditional and the white makes her blue eyes stand out. We all watch as she makes her way down.

My Dad has the biggest smile on his face and I'm glad to see him happy. Erica and him stand hand in hand and face the priest. The ceremony begins.
A new family member. A new "mom". I'm just thankful that it's over. My butt was starting to get numb and my hand was really warm from when Liam was holding onto it.

I walk over to the new couple and hug each of them. My Dad a little longer than Erica.
"Are you okay?" My Dad whispers in my ear.
I nod my head slightly and give him a reassuring smile.

"I need to go to the toilet. I'll be right back."
I walk off and take deep breaths. I focus on the bustling of guests and the clicks of my heels on the wooden floor.

I burst through the toilet door and the tears start falling. I can't stop them so I just sit there with the door locked and let the tears fall.

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