Team Spirit

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I wake up with the sun in my face. I slept the whole night again. I hope I'm okay. I rub my eyes and sit up. I look around for a minute and silently panic. I regain my breath, remembering that I'm at Liam's house.

I get up and go into the en-suite bathroom and take a relatively quick shower. I walk into the bedroom and see my clothes along with a hairbrush and toothbrush on my bed. Liam must have come in while I was in the bathroom. I change and brush my hair and teeth. I then make my way down the stairs.

I'm surprised to see my Dad talking with Liam's mom. He has my school books and a fresh pair of clothes with him. I walk up to him and he silently gives me my things. I'll have to change again. I run up the stairs without looking back.
Liam and I get onto the bus without talking. I see that Tyler isn't in his usual spot so I make my towards the back of the bus. Liam sits behind me with his friend, James. I look out the window at all the passing scenery and tap my fingers on my leg.

I get lost in my own thoughts until I hear James speaking to Liam.
"Dude, when are you going to ask her out?" James whispers.
"Pfft. Like she'd go out with a guy like me." Liam replies.
"You never know until you ask! She could say yes!"
"Have you seen how pretty she is? She's like a goddess."
"Dude, you got it bad. I'm sure Julia would go out with you."
I blush and start smiling like the Cheshire Cat. I didn't know they were talking about me until James said my name. Liam likes me?
School has finally ended but I soon remember that tonight is our big Lacrosse Game. Our school versus Wither High. I am going of course to support Liam and maybe to avoid my Dad and Erica.

All of the students make their way to the field and sit down on the bleachers. Tyler didn't come into school today so I sit next to some people I don't know. Our cheerleaders come onto the field and everybody cheers. Jennifer(I find out is in the Cheer Squad)and some of her fellow friends start doing some somersaults and whatnot.

Our Lacrosse team comes onto the field and I can see a number 09. Liam flashes me a million dollar smile. I smile back and see a figure running straight towards Liam. Dylan pushes Liam out the way a bit and smirks at me. I roll my eyes. This is going to be a long game...
We won! Scores 10(to us)and 7(to them)! I run down the bleachers to congratulate Liam but a hand stops me and drags me underneath the bleachers. I turn to see a smirking Dylan. He steps forward and I back into a pole. Damn, I'm trapped. I'm saved by a throat clearing.

I look over Dylan's shoulder and see Liam standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. Dylan winks at me and starts walking away.

Liam and I stand in an awkward silence. I have so many things to say but none of them sound right. I'm thankful when Liam speaks first.
"Are you...sleeping with him?"
I shake my head violently.
"No. Oh God no."
Liam lets out a sigh of relief.
"Good. Do you wanna go out with me on Friday night?"

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