Who Is He?

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This morning I actually woke up at 06:30. The first time I've slept through the whole night without any nightmares of my mom. I get out of my bed and hop down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen expecting my dad to be there sipping on coffee but he's nowhere to be seen.

I sigh when I find a little note stuck onto the fridge. It reads:
Hope you slept well. We need to discuss something later.
I grab an apple and bite into it whilst rereading the note. I don't know what it is but it feels like it's going to be a good day. I finish my apple and throw it in the bin. I run back upstairs and pick my outfit. Second day of school here I come.
I get the public bus to school and I sit with Tyler again. This time he has an entirely different book. I read the cover and raise my eyebrows.
"What is it?" Tyler asks as he places in his bookmark.
"Fifty Shades Of Grey? Seriously?"
He laughs a little.
"I wanted something a bit more..."
"Erotic?" I finish his sentence.
He nods and I dry heave. He laughs once more and I join him.

When we get off the bus, I search for Liam. Tyler's about to say something when a motorcycle revving cuts him off. Tyler and I turn around to see a guy in a leather jacket parking his Harley Davidson. He must be a Senior. He takes his helmet off. He's not bad looking at all. He has dark brown eyes and very dark brown hair. He winks over at a group of Senior girls and they all giggle. Tyler rolls his eyes.
"Who is he?" I ask him.
The boy looks over at me and smirks. I blush and feel my knees go weak. He must have heard me.
"His name's Dylan and he's big trouble." Tyler replies.
It's now Lunch time and I'm starving. I should have had a better breakfast this morning. I line up at the back of the queue. Today is cheese hamburgers with a small tub of strawberry jelly. I get a tray and make my way to Tyler. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Liam in the cafeteria before. I look around and I see the boy, Dylan, staring at me with a smirk on his face. I stare down at my tray and out of the corner of my eye, I see Dylan walk over. I can feel him standing behind me. Tyler's eyes widen and I look back down at my tray. Dylan leans closer and whispers, "I need to talk to you."
I finish my burger as quickly as I can and give Tyler my jelly. I take my tray and place it with all the other ones. I walk to the Main Hall and see Dylan leaning against the lockers like he owns the place. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did. He sees me coming and starts smirking. What is it with him and smirking?

I reach him and stop a safe distance in front of him. I raise my eyebrows expectantly waiting for him to say something. He's still smirking. He's gonna wait for me to speak first. Son-of-a-
"My name's Dylan but you probably knew that."
He takes me by surprise but I nod my head.
"I'm Ju..."
"Julia Harrison. Yeah I know."
I step back just a little bit. Does he know how creepy he sounds right now?
I wait for him to explain but it doesn't come. I sigh.
"How do you know my name? No, never mind. How do you know my surname?"
"A boy's gotta know his boss's daughter."
"You're a spy?" I whisper-yell.
He takes a step forward, sending a chill down my spine.
"I'm a spy." He whispers in confirmation.

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