Hello Again

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After lunch with Tyler (yes, I finally found out his name), I have French with Mrs Maix. I find my way to the Main Hall where all the lockers are and realise I have no idea where my class is. Great. I'm really tempted to ask someone.
There was the same group of girls that I could ask. They were just down the hall. I walked over.
"Um,excuse me but do you know where Mrs Maix's French class is?"
They all turn around to look at me. One girl steps forward and looks me up and down.
"It's Room 308. On the third floor." She pronounces every word really slowly and then takes out lipgloss from her back pocket and applies it.
"Thanks." I say really quickly and start to walk as fast as I can to French.
I get to my class just before the bell rings and I head in. There's only a few people in here and thankfully someone I recognise. Liam. I walk over and he's still talking to his friend.
"Hello again." I say with a big smile.
Liam turns around and looks up at me and smiles.
"Oh! Hey Julia."
There's an empty seat next to him and I glance at it every now and then. He chuckles.
"Would you like to sit next to me?"
I blush. I thought he'd never ask.
"Thanks." I say as I sit down.

The bell rings. Mrs Maix gets up from her desk and walks around the class. She stops right next to my desk and I now what's coming.
"Bonjour mademoiselle. Voulez-vous vous présenter?"
I nod my head and stand up. I'm just going to stay by my desk this time.
"Bonjour. Je m'appelle Julia et j'ai seize ans. Merci."
I sit back down and look beside me to see that Liam has his mouth open and is looking at me. I smile and look at the front, listening to Mrs Maix speak. I suddenly feel a breath tickling my ear.
"I didn't know you could speak French?" Liam whispers.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." I whisper back.
The last class of the day is English. English is my favourite subject probably because I love to read and write. Luckily the room is just down the hall and I make my way over. I walk in and am surprised to see no one in here.
I jump a little when I feel a hand on my elbow. I turn around and smile slightly when I see it's just Liam. Again.
"Hi again." He says.
"Are you following me around?" I laugh slightly.
Liam looks down and chuckles. He shakes his head and looks back up.
"Our class is in the library."

Together, we made our way to the library and when we got there we chose an empty table. I sat down opposite Liam.
"Do you want to go and pick a book?"
I nod my head. We both get up and go down an aisle. I scan the shelf and pick a big book. I turn it around and read the title, 'How To Kill A Mockingbird'. I love this book! I start to walk back to the table and feel a hand grab my own. Liam turns me around gently and smiles down at me. He's at least five inches taller than me.
"I was wondering if you could help me with the French homework after school?"
I smile and nod my head.
After Liam and I had exchanged numbers and addresses, it was silent reading for the rest of the period. I had made it to page 41 of my book when the bell rang signalling the end of day. I rushed outside and made my way to the public bus because my dad works really late tonight. Of course, I wasn't surprised to see most of the Freshmen get on the bus because we were still too young for a car. I spotted Liam sitting at the back but decided to sit next to Tyler, who was at the front reading a different book. I sit next to him and he looks up, just realising it's me, he carries on with his book.
It's going to be a long ride home.

Authors Note:
Hey! I hope you liked this chapter. There was a little mixture of Tyler and Liam in here. I can't believe Liam is going over to Julia's house. Until next time (which is really soon).

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