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"Jules...there's no easy way to say this but you deserve to know."
I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes even though I don't know what's happened.
"Dylan's in a coma."
I sigh a little bit. Luckily Dylan isn't dead but a coma can be worse. It's the haunting feeling of the person you love not waking up. Not like I love him, love him. He's more of a brother to me.

My Dad gives me a small reassuring smile and turns around to continue driving.
"We can go home or-"
"I want to see him. Please."

My Dad smiles and starts driving. We pass multiple different houses and I wish we lived in some of the big ones. There's only 3 of us though. So it wouldn't make sense.

We drive on a dirt path that makes the car bounce slightly. We make it to a clearing and my Dad stops the car. I glance at him and he smiles. I jump when the car starts moving downwards. Why are we moving downwards?

This must be the entrance to the Spy Agency...
No wonder why my Dad's usually late home. The trip downwards is taking FOREVER. There's nothing to look at apart from metal walls. There's no radio because the reception is terrible.

"How did it happen?" I ask, trying to make some conversation.
"Once the fire in the building died down, Dylan went in to see if there were any survivors. He got trapped in one of the rooms that had some gas exposure and he was in there for quite a while. The doctors are surprised he's still alive."

There's one perfect word to describe how I feel: astonished. I always knew Dylan was tough but I didn't think that tough. If I were him I would have just crawled to a corner and cried.
About 3 minutes later, we stop descending. All of a sudden, a hologram appears in front of the car.
"Identification number please."
"130700." My Dad says.
I gasp a little bit and my Dad takes my hand and gives it a small squeeze. The metal wall opens up and we drive through.

We enter a huge spacious room with multiple different cars parked in neat rows. My Dad pulls into one that has a sign that says S.Harrison. We get out and walk to one of the ends of the room. My Dad scans his eyes on a machine in the wall and it goes green. We walk through the door and I'm introduced to the spy world.
There are desks all over the room and lots of people typing away on computers. There's the smell of coffee mixed in with sweat and a small hint of cologne. Most of the people in the room are men apart from the odd woman.

People slowly start to look up from their work and some smile while others gasp. All of the women around the room get up and crowd around me.
"You've grown up so much!"
"You're even more beautiful!"
"You look just like you Mom!"
"I think she looks more like Simon."

I force a smile on my face and look up at all the women. I don't recognise any of them but clearly they recognise me. I feel a hand on my back and turn around to see my Dad.
"Come on." He says.

All the women wave us off and I give a small wave back. We walk down a small corridor and pass multiple different rooms. We pass one room that has a glass window and people fighting inside. Some of them stop and look at us. They wave and smile and I do the same.

We turn right and we're in an entirely different corridor. This time the walls are a light green and have some pictures. There are lots of different doors, some with numbers and names on them. One of the doors has a number 25 on it and underneath it the initials D.M.

We stop in front of it and my Dad opens the door. It's a relatively small room with a TV in the corner and a chair next to a bed. In the bed is a comatose Dylan. You wouldn't guess that he's in a coma but just in a deep sleep.

I sit next to him and take his hand. It's quite cold but there's a little bit of warmth radiating from it. My Dad clears his throat and I glance at him over my shoulder.
"I need to go and check how my class is doing. Will you be okay?"
I nod my head and turn back to Dylan.
I open my eyes just a little bit and then decide to close them again. I hadn't realised I fell asleep. I jolt when I feel something stroking my hand. I look up and see Dylan wide awake looking at me intently.

Now I'm wide awake. I sit up and take my hand back. This is awkward.
"You're awake." I say with a hint of surprise.
"You woke me up."

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