The Meeting

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I slowly turn around and see my dad standing in his usual suit. He has his arms crossed over his chest and has a look that I can't read.
"Hey dad." I wave awkwardly.
"What are you doing up?"
He knows the answer but he asks anyway. I keep quiet and shrug my shoulders in response.
"You should be sleeping. The first day is always the hardest."
I nod my head but don't move. The only way I was going to forget my dream/nightmare, was running. I look down at my running shoes and I hear my dad move. I look up and see him standing in front of me at arms length.
"You had the dream again?"
I nod in response and throw my arms around him. He hugs me back and sighs.
"You can go."
I take that as my cue and unlock the front door and run.
I can feel the chill in the air as I run. It feels good to have the wind in my face. I never listen to music while running because 1) it's dangerous and 2) your never take in you surroundings. I love the leaves falling down, there's something satisfying about hearing them crunch beneath my feet. At the moment,I'm running alongside the woods but I decide to cut through it.

I slow to a stop on the cobblestone path and close my eyes. I can hear the trees rustling in the wind, the birds chirping and what sounds like feet hitting the ground. I open my eyes just in time to see a body collide with me.
Next thing I know, I'm lying on the cold hard ground. The body is still on top of me and I push it off gently so that we're lying side by side.

I look over and see a relatively cute boy with dirty-blonde coiffed hair with pale green eyes. He sits up and looks over at me. He suddenly realises that I'm still down and turns a bright red. Quickly he stands up and holds his hand out to me. I gratefully take it and when our hands touch, I feel and electric current run through me.
"I am so,so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you hurt? Oh my god, I hurt you didn't I?"

I don't know why but I find his rambling even cuter. His eyes are just so mesmerising. Realising I've been staring for a good whole minute, I shake my head.
"I'm alright. It's my fault. I was kind of in my own little world."
"It's okay. I also do that sometimes. The forest is the best place to think. It's tranquil and it smells fre... sorry I talk a lot."
I wanted to say something but I knew that if I spoke, I'd just embarrass myself. I didn't mind his rambling at all. I could listen to his voice all day but of course I didn't say anything and I just nodded my head.
"I guess I'll see you around."
He was starting to walk away but I didn't want him to leave. I didn't even know his name. I opened my mouth to call after him and it was like he read my mind.
"I'm sorry but I didn't get your name?" He called.
"It's Julia!" I called back.
"Nice name. I'm Liam."
He turned around and I saw the smallest grin on his face. With that he walked off and I was left in the woods with the biggest smile on my face.

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