Pizza Night

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"Hey Dad." I say into my phone.
I'm sitting on the couch in my fluffy pyjamas. You can tell that winter is near because there's frost forming on the ground in the mornings.
"Hey Pumpkin. Listen, Erica and I aren't going to be able to make it home early tonight."

I sigh a little bit and bite my lip.
"Okay. Is everything alright?" I ask.
"Work's a bit rough, handling the Threat and whatnot."
The Threat is what they're calling the new problem at work. There's another foreign agency that are trying to override the systems, get information about our government.
"There's a 20 in one of the kitchen drawers. Order yourself a pizza or something." He suggests.

I haven't had pizza in a long time and I really fancy some.
"Yeah, that sounds good. Can I invite someone over?"
My Dad sighs.
"As long as it isn't that Liam boy. Or any boy for that matter."
"Don't worry. The boy I'm planning to invite won't do anything." I say.
"Okay. If he does try anything, you know where the taser is."
"Bye Dad." I laugh.

I end the call and scroll through my contacts and press Tyler.
"What's up?"
"Want to come over for some pizza?"
"Hell yeah!" He shouts.
"Hey, I just realised that you've never been to my house before."
"Oh right. What's your address?"
"Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!" Tyler chants as I bring in the box that holds the pepperoni pizza.
I laugh and sit down next to him.
"Wanna watch something?" I ask.
"I don't mind." Tyler says with a mouth full of pizza.
"Friends?" I ask.
Tyler nods as I hit the button for the channel which has Friends on. It's "The One with Ross's Tan". We watch and laugh while eating pizza.
"Do you want to stay the night?" I ask Tyler.
"I can't, sorry. I've got to get home." He says with a sorry smile.
"It's no problem. See you tomorrow." I call out as Tyler walks away.
I close the door and make my way back towards the living room. I clear away the now empty box and throw it in the bin. I hear a knock. Who could be here this late at night?

I grab one of the small kitchen knives and hide it behind my leg. I silently head towards the door and jump a little bit when I hear the rattling of the doorknob. I hide behind the door, listening to the clicking of the door unlocking.

The door opens all the way, nearly squishing me. I hold my breath and see a relatively tall shadow. The person walks forward some more, back facing towards me. I grasp onto the knife and hold it out in front of me.
"Aaaaah!" I scream out like a warrior.

The figure swishes around and stumbles towards the light switch near the door, all the while screaming. The room fills with light and the persons facial features become more distinct. It's Dylan.

"What are you doing here?!" I shout at him.
"You gave me the fright of my life!" Dylan exclaims.
"I can say the same to you!" I say.
"Alright. Let's just, calm down."
I take a deep breath. Once I've calmed my nerves I glare at Dylan.
"What are you doing here?"
"I, uh, wanted to check on you?" He smiles at me, hoping he's convinced me. I shake my head.
"What are you really doing here?" I ask.

Dylan sighs and runs a hand down his face. He has black bags under his eyes and is still wearing his school clothes. He must have rushed over here.
"The Agency has been taken over."

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