Chapter 4

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(a/n) throughout the story there is mild swearing


I didn't know what happened in there, and I probably never will. But there was something different about them, about us.

It had been nearly a week since Maya had her "incident". Every time I try to talk about it she runs to her bedroom. Its not that its hard for me to get to her, we live across the hall, but its whats different about her, something snapped.


I didn't want to tell Riley what happened in the closet that day. I know she was trying to get it out of me, there was just something inside that wouldn't let me.

I knew something had changed, not just for Maya, for me, for all of us. I didn't know what was going on. So I walked upstairs.


I didnt know what to feel. Right now at this moment, I feel shut out. All of the people I care about, who care about me are downstairs. Maybe they are in their rooms, or maybe they are talking. I can assure you whatever is going on in my head is way more interesting than the the story of their lives.

For most of the week, I just layed in bed, sometimes I'd draw or do homework. Riley would come to talk to me, trying to get information. She was my best friend, I should be able to tell her but, there was another voice that proved otherwise.

I was thinking of the "incident" as Riley calls it, when I heard a knock. I rolled out of bed to go open the door but it swung open then shut just as fast, but now someone was in the room.

"Maya what the hell?" He was angry, he only got like this in Texas, I would know. Usually its because he believes its worth arguing over. "Excuse me?" My voice was quiet and soft but it felt scratchy. "Your not the same, I have know you for 15 years and not once has this ever happened" He added more emphasis on certain words. "Lucas..." I started but was cut off.

"And dont lie to me, Maya" The way he said my name when he was angry made me heartbroken.

"What do you want from me Lucas?" This time, it was my turn to be angry. "You want me to admit that ever since you kissed me in Texas that I have been different?" He just looked shocked, I guess he didn't know he lit the match.

"Well then great job, Sherlock, you did it!" My anger was now just pure rage adding onto the fire. I took a few steps closer, just inches from his face. "You kissed me under the stars! The damn stars Lucas! You know what the sad part is? All those stars are dead. Just like this friendship" I swung the door open, to see Zay and Smackle standing there. I didnt say anything, just kept walking.

My feet hit the stairs fast, one after the other, Lucas chased me but I had said all that was needed. My car keys were on the kitchen table, I could hear them jingle as they were swiped into my hands. Through my peripheral vision, I saw Farkle and Riley watching with terror as I took off out the front door. It swung open once again, Lucas still chasing me.
That boy just will not give up.

I kept driving, my phone buzzing, and my head spinning. My hands turned the steering wheel like they knew where I was going. I was slower to catch up. I started to see familiar roads and houses.

Then I saw it, the one house I had hoped never to see again. I pulled in, wondering why I ever came. I got out of my car and headed for the house slowly then all at once. Before I knew it, my fist was hitting at the door sending a thud to anyone inside. The door squealed as it opened.



(a/n) If you think this is intense, you ain't seen nothin yet.
Instagram > sabrinas_mirage

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