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Am I love? Do I really like Naruto? "No! This is all because I have the flu! I'd never love a guy when I am a guy myself!" I slapped my face with both hands. "Of course!" I had thought of an idea. "Instead of getting stressed out about it, I should go to the hot springs to think it over! That would surely calm me down and help me think straight." I didn't have any clothes that didn't smell like vomit so I just borrowed some of Naruto's. Before I left cleaned the house and wrote him a note that said:

Dear Naruto,
I have a lot on my mind so I went to the hot springs. I'll be back soon. Oh! I also cleaned the house for you. Sorry, but it was really messy. One last thing. I had to borrow your clothes. Mine smelt like vomit from yesterday.

After I finished writing the note I left Naruto's house to go to the hot springs. I had to stop a couple times to go in ally ways and throw up. Right when I thought I was gonna get better! Once I reached the hot springs I sat down for a bit. I wanted to make sure I was done throwing up for a while so I didn't puke in the water once I got in. Once I decided that I was fine I went inside the building. I took the clothes I was borrowing from Naruto off. When I did I caught a whiff of his scent. They smelt like Naruto. I held the shirt to my face and breathed in his scent. I blushed when I remembered what he has done for me these past couple of days. An uncontrollable thought popped into my mind. "I love his scent. It makes me feel like I'm closer to him." I realized what I had just thought. It was disgusting!I said to myself, "I'm not gay! I've said this many times to myself but why don't I believe it!" Just as I said that Naruto walked in. "What don't you believe?" The blonde asked. "Oh it's nothing. By the way, did you come here on your own?" I replied. "Yeah. I decided to come rest after some training." So Naruto hasn't been home yet. "Why are you wearing my clothes?" He said to me. "Mine smelt like vomit so I had to borrow yours. I left a note at your house but I'm guessing you didn't go home. Aren't you supposed to be treating me? I thought you'd at least go check on me." I said jokingly. "Oh,sorry! Come on let's get in the hot springs!" He said to me. He started getting undressed. I just stood there. I couldn't help but look at Naruto getting undressed. When he had nothing but a towel on all I did was blush. "Sasuke what's wrong? Your face is flushed are you feeling unwell? If so we can go back home." He said sounding concerned. What he said made me blush even harder."It's ok I'm fine. I'll get undressed now." I began to undress, still blushing. We then got in the hot springs. After a few minutes Naruto spoke. "So, Sasuke. Who do you like?" I blushed, but he always thinks I have a fever so it's ok around him. "I really don't like anybody." This was a lie. I did like someone, and I've finally realized that I am gay. I am ashamed of myself. A man loving another man. This isn't right! "Come on Sasuke, there's got to be SOMEONE that you like. Is it Sakura, Ino, or maybe even me?" I was surprised at the words he spoke. Was he on to me? Did he know that I liked him? I started to panic. My face turned red so I looked down into the water. "I'm joking, I'm joking. As if the one and only Sasuke Uchiha would be gay!" Said Naruto in a joking tone. I let out my breath. Apparently I was holding it because I was nervous. Should I tell him about my feelings? No. I should only tell him about my sexuality, but, how would he react? Would he be disgusted and ignore me? He's my best friend though, shouldn't I let him know? I pushed all these negative thoughts away. I've made up my mind. I'm going to tell Naruto that I'm gay.
Hello! I hope you liked this chapter of the story. This chapter got a little more exciting!
Sasuke has FINALLY realized how he felt about Naruto. What will happen? How will Naruto react? Find out in the next chapter "Acceptance or Rejection?"


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