-13- Even Good People Change

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Conan's POV

"Good morning Ran-neechan." I muttered

"Good morning Conan-kun." She said smiling

"Today is a good day! Vincent and I are going to have another date!" She exclaimed happily

"Good for you Ran-neechan." I muttered

"Hmmmm I wonder what happened to Shinichi? He canceled the date the other day. I wonder why." She asked herself out loud

I didn't say anything and started eating.

"What do you think Conan-kun? Should we visit him? Drop by and say hello?" She said looking at me

"He told me that he's going back to America and would probably come back a few years." I said mumbling

"WHAT!!!!!???" She said out loud

"Why didn't he told me?" She asked

"He said that your too happy with Vincent-san and doesn't want to ruin it." I said

"When he is leaving?" She asked

"He left yesterday." I said

"W-what?!" She squeaked

"Why did he tell you not me?" She said looking at me

"He said he is too shy to say his feelings about you. Then he saw you with Vincent-san and told himself that you already have a lover and he doesn't have a chance to say his feelings. Then he left because he was depressed. Well that's how he said it to me." I snapped. I am tired of explaining things to her

"Well I have to go to school. Bye." I said leaving the room

Ran's POV

I can't believe Shinihi left without telling me...... again. I also can't believe that Conan snapped at me like that. He isn't like that, he wouldn't just snap at me for just asking a question.

I sighed and asked myself if everyday would be like this. I cleaned up the food and got ready to go to school. As I was going to pick up my bag there was a knock.

I went to the door and surprisingly saw Kei.

"Why are you doing here?" I asked sounding angry, even though I'm not

"Tsk. I'm just here to pick up Conan." He said

"Whatever kid." I said. Wow I haven't heard myself in a while. I'm not like this I don't just get mad at someone for no reason.

"Whatever." He said "Conan! Come one we are going to be late."

"Coming!" Conan said

"Yeah well bye...." He said leaving

As he said that Conan came out of the agency and walked with him.

I walked with them because I usually walk with Conan-kun, but today he was avoiding me.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry you'll just have to explain when the time comes." Kei said

"Keep it down she might hear us." Conan said

"Hmph, do whatever you want. But the time will come, you'll have to explain why you are doing it." Kei said

"Yeah, but I have one more year." Conan said

"Enjoy your one year Conan." Kei said

And that was the time to speak up.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask

"None of your business." Conan said

"I need to know because I am your guardian." I said as a matter of fact

"Yeah well you don't need to. Did you know it's rude to eavesdrop on a conversation." Kei said

"Yeah well you guys are talking loudly. People around you could here you, you know." I said

"But you are the only one who is here. No one else is here. So you are the only one who heard it." Conan said

"Yeah whatever. But you need to tell me why you have one more year and what are you going to explain?" I snapped

They were shocked at my sudden outburst. But quickly regained their posture and went back to their boring expression.

"Hmph. I am not explaining anything neither Conan too. So you have no point on making us spit the answer." Kei said

I am now mad because Kei kept on countering my questions and answers. So with my anger I grabbed Kei and slammed him down. I heard a sickening crack. But I don't care anymore, he is the reason why I am mad in the first place.

"Ran-neechan!" Conan screamed

"Uhg.... M-m-my head. It hurts." He said trying to stand up while clutching his head

"What happened to the caring Ran?" He mumbled "I wonder what would they say to me getting slammed down by a 17 year old (correct me.) They would probably laugh at me for not fighting back."

"W-what have I done?! I let anger control me. I'm really sorry. Let me just call the am-" I was cut off. By him standing up and groaning.

"This is stupid. I'm not hearing your excuse." He said "I'm going home."

"But you need medical treatment!" I said

"I know every single medical treatment you idiot. I don't need your help." He said limping walking away

That's when I realized, what happened to me?

Authors Note
Heya readers! Thanks for reading! I have no idea how to end the chapter so I just ended it like that.


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