-7- New Student

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Ran's POV

As we were walking down the street the Detective Boys saw Conan-kun, they said hi but he only replied "Who are you guys?" They were shocked and they forced him to remember all the memories with them. I didn't like this and I told them nicely not to force him because his head would hurt more. They obeyed and started walking with us. They are still trying to force Conan to remember things, and I am starting to get mad. They saw my expression and stopped talking.

While we are heading to Teitan Elementary we saw a lady trying to find something, it seems like she was locked outside and forgot where her spare key was. Before the Detective Boys could make a move a little boy about Conan's age helped the lady find her spare key, he was fast. He gave the key to the lady and walked away.

Some Time Later

Bye Conan-kun have fun in school! And don't force your self to remember things! I said. I walked off and saw Sonoko and walked we her to our school.

Conan's POV

As Ran-neechan left I started walking with these kids calling themselves Detective Boys. They introduce themselves when we are waiting for the bell in school. The freckled one said his name is Tsubaraya Mitsuhiko, the fat one said Kojima Genta, the girl said Yoshida Ayumi, and the quite girl said Haibara Ai without looking at me. Ayumi keeps on looking at me, I don't know why but it seems like she likes me. I also said my name Edogawa Conan but they already know. As the bell rang we took our seats, Haibara pointed where my seat was and there was an empty seat beside it. The teacher Sumiko Kobayoshi called my name and said re-introduce yourself, I said my name blah blah blah, and said I don't know all of them. They looked like they have seen a ghost, but they calmed down and made me seat down. After me the teacher said something about a new student.

"Class today we have a new student! His name is Nakamura Kei!" Please give her a warm welcome!" Kobayoshi-sensei said.

The boy who helped the lady earlier was Nakamura Kei. He had glasses like mine but have lenses on it. Kobayoshi-sensei assigned her seat next to me. He was quite, he didn't say anything except saying his name in front of the class.

The teacher made a math problem on he board it says 50 - 20. Before I could raise my hand Nakamura's hand shot up.

"Yes Kei-kun?" Kobayoshi-sensei said

"30, 50 - 20 = 30." He said. I wasn't surprise 30 is the answer, but I'm surprised that all other students are slow at subtracting but I sensed that Haibara, me and Nakamura knows subtraction very well and without hesitation answering the math problem.

Time Skip: Lunch

All of the subjects were so easy, I sometimes answered it but Nakamura did it all. After the bell rang, we were outside eating. The Detective Boys invited me and Nakamura to their spot. As they were eating they were talking a lot asking question to Nakamura but Nakamura was just saying nothing and eating. They got mad and stand up Genta grabbed his shirt and pulled him up, before he can do anything to him, Nakamura punched Genta on the stomach lightly. Genta let go of her shirt and ask why she punch him. He just said "To make you let my shirt go." The other Detective Boys were angry and challenged her to a Detective Battle after school. He said sure and started eating again. They said they are going to win because they are good at being a detective and I was with them, they said I was a good detective. But I declined their request to join the after school. I was going to watch who's going to win, but I'm not going to solve anything.

After School

I was walking with them, Ran-neechan joined us and the Detective Boys said the battle this afternoon. Nakamura was invited to join to our little group towards to the agency. He introduced herself, her name and were she lives and other stuff. Ran-neechan said her house is next to Shinichi-neechan's house. They were on the agency and just in time there was a crime, and the police are trying to find out who the culprit is. We went with Mouri Kogoro they said he was called "Sleeping Kogoro" since he sleeps when he solve cases. They went it the crime scene, the Detective Boys said the challenge begins right now. Nakamura was investigating the living room, the Detective Boys are everywhere.

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