Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

Two more days.

That's all we needed.

In two days he would be free.

In two days, Logan would be back with me.

I felt a wave of excitement flutter within me as I approached the living room where everyone was already seated.

"Can someone please go over the plan again?" Jordana questioned as she pulled her face out of her hands.

Tom sighed, his eyes disconnecting with the laptop screen he was facing. He shut the flap of the screen turning around to face Jordan.

"Like the last time, I'll go back in there with the three of you looking like ugly cleaning ladies, we sedate the man at the counter and you take his place, communicating with your boyfriend and working your fucking hacking magic whilst these two sisters and myself go back up there to free her boyfriend. We come back down, get the keys, draw a penis on the policeman's forehead and get the fuck out of there. Then you live happily ever after. End of story. Don't make me fucking repeat it."

"You make it sound so simple, what if it doesn't work?" I asked, ignoring his sarcastic comments.

"I hope you get one thing clear. I don't fail. It's going to work" he spat, turning back around, collecting his laptop and resuming his work.

One by one, everyone elevated from the couching, making their way out of the room.

Why was it that everyone felt intimidated by Tom? He wasn't half as scary as Logan when he had first kidnapped me. Oh the days.

What really happened between Tom and Logan? What went wrong? Curiosity rose within me as I looked at Tom. Clearly he was British, and had a tendency to curse a lot.

As I focused, I noticed the scars that covered his hands and the very few concealed on his face. They sure weren't normal scars, they were battle scars. What had Tom really been up to? How did I know to trust him? But most importantly, what if his plan would fail? What if Tom was the man Logan was warning me about?

What if I was wrong and this was all a mistake?

I guess I had to figure out for myself.

"Why are you helping us?" I blurted, gaining his attention once again.

"Didn't you ask for it?"

"Yeah, but you said you hated Logan, then why help?"

"You were-"

"The real reason Tom" I interrupted, seeking to get past the bullshit. He stared at me for a brief minute before his eyes landed back on the screen.

"Believe or not, Logan and I were brothers. We were inseparable, until the son of a bitch decided to steal my girl" His reply shocked me, and in the next minute a small laugh erupted from me.

"A girl? That's what happened between you two? Seriously? That's the most cliché story I've ever heard" I began laughing louder, until his face began increasing in sternness.

"If loving were such a big deal for criminals, why would Logan be with you?" I scoffed at his question knowing exactly the answer.

"Logan dropped his ways the minute we decided to embark on the journey together. Believe it or not, love is an emotion capable of fixing few and destroying most." He seemed impressed by my response, as he nodded, once again shutting the screen of his laptop.

"I believe you there. It's why I hate Logan. He stole the woman I love"

"If the woman you love moved to Logan did she love you at all?" I snapped, my mind not wanting to think too much into the idea of the current love of my life being involved with someone else. Tom chuckled humourlessly, nodding.

"Three years I was with her, I loved her with all my might, gave her all she ever wanted. That was until one day I caught her in bed with that bastard. He broke everything with his silly ways. He knew how much she meant to me" I observed Tom, trying to understand his point of view.

"You gave her everything, perhaps the only think you lacked to give her was love Tom. People don't just turn away from you if you are what they want. If she really did love you, she wouldn't have turned on you"

"Defending your boyfriend are we now?"

"No, defending the truth"

"Logan was my brother-"

"The only thing Logan did, was persue his feelings towards someone. The fact that the other person responded is because she had the same feelings for him Tom. Instead of blaming your 'brother' maybe you should start considering that perhaps this girl was the not the one for you after all. If she were, you wouldn't have continued with your criminal ways. Take it from a girl who had been kidnapped by a criminal and continuously ended back in the same position, and no matter what chose her love" he stayed silent for a minute, thinking my words through.

"He kidnapped you?" I chuckled, my mind reminiscing back to the times.

"Yeah, I accidentally caught his men killing someone in middle of the street so they kidnapped me. Then they forced me to hack for them, go to parties to seduce men so they could kill them, and get myself in a position where people wanted to kill me to get back at Logan. Of course once all of that was over I realised that my brother I thought was dead because I witnessed it happen was actually alive and was taken by my ex boyfriend who was also Logan's competition. So long story short, I helped expose the competition and they helped me get my brother back. Everything went back to normal, Logan got exposed, and I made a decision"

"Seems like you two have had quite the ride."

"We certainly have"


Sorry about the tiny chapter but I haven't really had much time! Next chapter will be longer! Thoughts on Tom? Will the plan work? Chapter thoughts? Future predictions? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Picture of Tom to the side--->





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