Seeing the dead...

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Stiles' POV:

"Allison?!" I ask, staring at my old friend from Town.

"The one and only... Long time." She spits.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I scream, looking back down to my injured mate.

"Well... She's with us obviously."    My heart stops, and I look behind her to see my dad and a bunch of men with weapons galore and armed to the brim.

"Stiles....   Is. That.  Your...." Malia whines,  but I cut her off with tears in my eyes.

"Yes." I croak, as he steps out in front on Allison and cocks the riffle in his hands so I gulp, and stand over Derek's body as he hisses at something strong covering the length of the arrow, turning his blood black.   "Why are you doing this?" I ask, voice hitching as his men take a step closer, the pack doing the time and wolfing out growling.

"I wanted you to come home....  That's all I wanted, and you ran away, to be with these freaks." He says disappointedly, shaking his head, so Isaac growls and goes to lash out but Scott grabs him back.   "So... Come home." My dad says one more time, grabbing my arm and pulling me hard to his group of people, who hold me tightly, so the pack go to attack until my dad holds the gun to my head and warns everybody.

"Don't." I warn and they all nod, backing off but glowing their eyes.  "Let me go!" I demand but my dad chuckles, holding my free arm.

"I think he said let him go..." I snap my head up to see Derek stood and half wolfed out, baring his fangs and claws to my dad and his men, snapping the arrow but black blood still oozing out.

"Back off wolf man, or the next arrow lands in your heart." Allison cackles, raising her bow and pulling another arrow laced in a pungent liquid.

"Wolfspain won't stop me killing every single one of you." Derek grunts, so I smirk and kick the man holding me in the balls, flipping over Allison and next to Derek.

"It's a good thing I have a badass boyfriend, and a great pack." I smirk nodding to the wolves, and all hell breaks loose.

Liam lashes out and slashes a guy across the face, and he falls to the floor unable to see and bleeding out faster than a turkey goes on Christmas...

Next Isaac runs up and snaps Allison's bow in half and she cowers down as he strides up to her and drags his claws over her neck, teasing her...

Someone grabs me as I watch all this happen and so I turn around to see my dad smirking before he smacks me over the head with the gun.

I fall the the floor and gasp as I grab my head and look over to see Derek killing two people at once.

I look back up to see my dad, throwing the gun away and pulling out a large, curved knife.

"All of this could have been prevented If you were a normal, straight kid." He laughs and his words hurt too much...

"Well I'm anything but those things, ha, better luck next time huh?" I spit cockily, so he presses the knife across my neck.

I turn in pain, enough to see Aiden helping Ethan kill a largely built guy and then over again to see Isaac killing Allison with one of her own arrows, pushing it right through her throat to the other side.

He pushes the knife further into my neck, so I hiss, grabbing his arm with my broken hand and he bends it back, snapping it more.

"You son of a bitch!" I gasp, pain soaring through my body, so he moves the knife down my chest and to my stomach area...

"Say hello to your mother for me.  Your whore of a mother." He laughs, plunging the knife into me and I scream, seeing stars in my vision.

My hand falls from his grasp, to the floor, nothing keeping it up anymore, and my head falls sideways to the floor, as the last thing I see is Derek and the pack running to my side.

Derek rips my dad to pieces as they all gather around me, no more threats or people alive, but the pack.

"Don't you dare close your eyes little red!" Derek cries, taking my cold hands in his, so I chuckle, squeezing back the best I can.

"Stiles, don't you dare leave us!" Boyd whines, and I try to talk back, but all that comes out is inaudible croaks of blood spluttering all over me.

"Derek, we can still save him... Bring him here!" Talia rushes, and that's the last thing I see, before everything goes dark.

"Stiles? Baby?"   I hear, so I look up to see my mother, stood beside my old bed in my old room.

"Mom?!" I gasp, standing up and gripping her into a massive hug.

"Baby, I don't have much time, Talia is bringing you back, and I know it feels like more, but you'll only be dead for a couple of seconds to them okay honey..."   I nod as she takes my hands in hers.   "I love you, I never got to tell you that, and I'm so, so sorry for what you went through without me... But I can tell your going to be fine with Derek and your new family." She smiles.

"What if I want to stay with you?" I cry as she hugs me again.

"You can't baby, you need to go back and live your full life, safe from danger with your mate." She soothes. "We'll be together again, I promise." She says kissing my head.

We look over at a noise and in walks Sam, smiling hugely at me and ruffling up my hair before hugging me.

"She's right kiddo. You've done good to this family, and they're all lucky and happy to have you as they're own.     Derek's so much happier now, he loves you.   Tell Talia, tell them all I love them." He says sadly, before smiling and patting my shoulder as I smile and they start to fade away.

"Guys?!" I shout, reaching out, but all they do is wave and blow me kisses.

"We'll be together again!" She calls.

"I LOVE YOU BOTH! I'll tell them all!" I shout, before being dragged back though the darkness...

"He's alive!" Isaac screams and they all cheer and howl in happiness.

Derek lifts my head up and cries happily as he kisses me softly.

"It's over, it's all over." He repeats in my ear quietly, never letting me go, but I start to feel tired and I can feel my eyes closing.

"I-I... I saw Sam." I breath out before passing out in his arms.

Here you go guyysssss... Xx haven't had internet all day yesterday so couldn't update but yayyyyy....  Doneeeee

Stay tuned for more lovelies... Love y'all xxxx

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