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Stiles' POV:

I... Smell... Food.

I sit up and smile throwing my hands up and cheering as i smell breakfast being made and i yawn rubbing my eyes.

I still feel soft, warm fur around me so i look down to see Derek asleep and snoring some so i laugh and run my hands through past his ears and they twitch as he stretches out his paws and looks at straight at me before turning back and pulling me into him.

"We can talk now?" He asks and i nod, setting myself down in his lap.

"I want to stay... Talia and the pack are okay with it, I feel like this is my new home... Talia's like the parent figure I never had. But, I don't want any of this, if your not apart of this with me. You make me feel so safe and whilst you've been ignoring me, I was so upset and I didn't know why I cared so much, but now I know it's because I really, really like you. I won't get hurt, I can take care of myself and I also have you.... But if I don't, then I don't see what's here for me to stay." I breath and he stares at me and takes my hand as he presses a small kiss to my temple.

"You know what, I like the sound of that, I really, really like you too, and I want for you to stay and be apart of the pack, as mine..." He smiles and runs his hand through my hair as wraps his free arm around my waist so I chuckle and turn around to straddle him.

"I like the sound of that too." I laugh as he leans in to press a soft kiss to my lips as he grins. "Shall we go outside now?" I ask and he nods, standing up and setting me on my feet as he takes my hand and we walk out.

We walk out into the open until the pack start screaming and running all over us and jumping all over the place.

"THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!" Liam squeals and Erica pushes them out of the way to grip me in a death hug, until Derek's dad Sam pulls them off of us and Talia stands by his side.

"Give the boys some air!" He chuckles and then he turns back to us. "So, Stiles, i guess you'll be staying?" He asks and i nod stepping forwards as Derek still holds my hand.

"If you and your family didn't mind, i'd be honoured to stay in your pack sir." I smile and he nods, wrapping an arm around me.

"Everyone is more than delighted to have you here son...." He grins and Derek chuckles squeezing my hand.

Everything was silent and everyone was hugging me and Derek, until someone started howling and everyone tensed and started growling as they formed a circle around me, Der, and Talia...

"What's going on?" I whisper to Derek and he whines some.

"Someone's in our territory and he's human." He frowns, sniffing the air, the others doing the same.

Sam says something to Aiden and he nods whispering to everyone else and they all branch off as Sam starts to speak.

"There's a person in our home, armed, and we need to do the normal procedure to ensure the safety of our pack! We need to dispose of this human, and we need to do so quickly and quietly as to not obtain attention!" He shouts and everyone nods in agreement, wolfing out.

"Let me take it." I whisper up to Derek, and he tenses before looking down into my eyes. "I won't get hurt, i promise."

He walks off to Sam and whispers something to him so Sam gives me a small glance before smiling and nodding to Derek...

Derek nods slowly to me and i fist bump the air.

"Please don't get hurt, your going, and the rest of us are going to be in the trees following in case anything happens." He says so i take his face in my hands and kiss him softly as he wraps his arms around my waist.

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