It's all my fault...

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Stiles' POV:

"Stiles, I think it's best if you sit down...." Talia sniffles so I nod slowly, sitting down.

"Guys, your scaring m-     Where's Sam?  Didn't he go with you guys?" I say, looking over the pack, one by one, to see that Sam is nowhere to be found.

"S-Sam... Sam didn't make it back." She says, bursting into tears and my eyes widen as my chest tightens as I realise what happened.

"H-He's d-dead?" I stutter, tears forming in my eyes.     She nods her head slowly and the pups start howling at the rising moon.    I stand up and start pacing around, pulling at my hair, letting the tears fall. "No!  He can't be dead!  What happened?! Who killed him?!" I say, raising my voice, so Scott stands up and tries to sit me down.   "No! Let go!" I say wiggling out of his arms.

"Stiles, we can't tell you who killed him."  Erica chokes and Boyd comforts her as I shake my head.

"Please, I need to know!" I sob, so everyone quietens down, until Ethan and Aiden stand up and walk over to me.

They whisper into my ear, and I freeze, swallowing the best I can with my dry mouth, and just fall to my knees.

"Stiles, we're so sorry..." They whisper.

"MY FUCKING FATHER?!   THAT SON OF A BITCH KILLED SAM!" I scream, my emotions getting the better of me.  "Is he dead?   My father?" I ask, and Liam shakes his head along with Malia.

I grab my cloak, swinging it over my shoulders to go and kill that piece of trash I once called a dad.   I grab my knives shoving them in my belt, but just as I'm about to leave, Scott grabs my arm.

"Stiles, where are you going?" He sighs.

"I'm gonna kill the bitch!" I cry, but he pulls me closer to him.   I struggle in his grasp, trying to get free,  but he holds me until I  eventually give up and sob into his chest.

"Killing him, isn't  going to bring Sam back." He mumbles, so I nod wiping my eyes.  "The best thing, we all can do, is go to bed and talk about all of this tomorrow..."

I nod slowly, hugging all of the pack, letting them all go to bed for the night, and Scott goes off with Isaac so I sigh, flopping to the floor beside the fire and looking out into the woods.

I haven't known them long, but I look at them as family... Talia and Sam, the parental figures I've never had in my life before.

And to have that ripped away from you, as quick as it got given... Feels the same as when my mother died.

And it's all my fault.

After a few minutes of crying into my cloak, I hear something move behind me so I jump and look around and instantly relax when I see it's only Derek.

"Babe? Why are you sat out here? It's freezing..." He asks, walking over to my side so I shrug.

"I'm not tired."   He sits next to me, wrapping an arm around me as I sob.  "It's all my fault."

"Stiles, don't say that..." He frowns, pulling me into his lap.   His eyes are all puffy, and he looks a bit pale...

"It's true though!   I shouldn't have tried killing myself in the first place, then none of this would have happened!   I should have stayed at home, with John... We never would have met, and Sam would still be alive."

"Stiles, meeting you has been the best thing about my life, and I couldn't have asked for less.   Sam's... My father's death was no one's fault.  He was a good man, and he will be remembered everyday." He soothes.

"But it is someone's fault Der... My  fathers."

"Which wasn't your fault. You didn't know.     Please come to bed?" He pleads.

"Can, we.. just... Stay?" I ask, yawning and leaning back onto his chest as I look up to the stars.

"Fine, but you have to promise me that,  this was not your fault.   None of this, is your fault.  And I swear on my life, that is not the case." He says leaning down and kissing me softly.

"I... I promise." I smile weakly and he smiles too, laying down as we both stare at the sky talking about Sam and my mother.

"Stiles..." He says after a while so I hum with my eyes closed. "I really do love you."

I open my eyes, to see him staring deeply at me, so I lean up and kiss his cheek gently, as he strokes my hair.

"I really, really love you too Der." I say, snuggling into his side as he wolfs out and I fist his fur in my hands, sticking my face in his neck.    "So much." I yawn, falling asleep.

I yawn, stretching and look around realising I'm in the cave so I chuckle, shaking my head,  of course he took me back in.

I look around to see Derek isn't here so I start to worry, rushing out of the cave as fast as I can and breathing in relief when the pack's there, laughing and smiling together. Sadness still evident on their faces, but they're all trying to be happy.

I walk up to Talia and she gives me a warm smile before engulfing me in a hug.

When we break apart, she ruffles up my hair so I laugh and blush.

"Hey mom, have you seen Derek....  I mean Talia! I am so sorry!" I rush out and she looks shocked, before getting a rush of emotion across her face and she smiles massively.

"I know I'm not your mother, but, I see you as a son... Call me whatever you prefer Stiles. Okay...  This is your home now." She says, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

"Thanks mom..." I say, feeling really emotional.

"And Derek went for a walk. He went that way if you want to go and find him?" She smiles, nodding to a pathway so I nod, giving her another hug before walking off in Derek's Direction.

After a while of what seemed like hours of walking I see someone stood off in the distance so I smirk, getting  a great idea...

I creep up and jump up onto him yelling and laughing.

"BOO!" I shout, before getting thrown to the ground.    He pulls his hood down, and my heart stops as I look up to him....    "DAD?!"


I have a feeling some of you are starting to hate me because of these cliff hangers xxx

Cough...  wise_with_words    ... Charger..     Cough

However....    I don't care xxx Heheheeee Evil xxxx

Little red and the big bad wolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ