Laughing, memories and horror

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Stiles POV:

"Stiles!  Stiles get up!"

I jump awake, hitting my head on something hard in the process.

I look up to see the one and only Scott McCall with worried eyes as he grasps his head.

"Scott? What the hell Dude?" I ask in pain, rubbing my forehead and giving him a small glare before looking around.   "Where's Der?"

"Yeahhh, about that...   He's outside with the pack.  Something about another intruder alert. I was told to stay with you." He says hesitantly.

In less than a second, I'm up and running outside, throwing my cloak behind me so Scott catches it and runs after me.

"Derek!!!" I shout.  All of the pack are about to run off and they stop sitting down as Derek turns back and holds me as I jump in his arms.  "What's happening?!" I ask worriedly and he kisses my head softly.

"There was something out in the woods, so we're just going to see who's out there." He whispers gently lifting my head up with his fingers, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "Scott's human, he hasn't had training like you... So you need to stay with him."

I nod and he turns to leave, so I pull him back quickly.

"Please.... Be safe..." I breathe out and he nods, smiling small before kissing me again.

"I love you." He says. Transforming and running off.

I stand there confused, until his words process in my mind.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I scream running part way into the woods. I stop smiling to myself, knowing he heard me, so I turn back and slowly walk in front of Scott.  "He loves me." I grin as he nods. "He loves me!" I squeal an he laughs.

"I heard." We both chuckle as he wraps his arm around me and walk over to sit by the fire. "So, werewolves." He winks and I blush hitting his arm.

"Shut up Scottie..."

He raises his eyebrows and nods his head slowly.

"Okay okay... But seriously, they seem amazing. Your so lucky." He sighs.

"And you are!  I mean, if you were to stay?" I shrug and he brightens up, before leaning in closely to my ear.

"There is one thing...." He starts so I nod for him to continue.  "Isaac."

He moves back and I supress a squeal forming inside of me, whilst I grab his hand and start going bright purple.

"FUCK IT... AAHHHHHHH.... THAT'S SO FUCKING ADROABLE!!!!" I scream and he blushes like a goon shying away as I smirk.  "Seriously man?  Oh my goooosh, you two would well suit!" I scream again.

"Shhhh!" He chuckles so I stand up and start jumping around like a mad man. "Stiles man, calm down, it's just a petty crush."

"It is not... A petty crush.  Ask him out!" I counter and he shakes his head.

"What if he doesn't like me?" He says, biting his lip and kicking the ground.

"He will! Your so loveable and cute with that slanted jaw, it'll be hard for him to say no." I wink and he grins standing up and walking in front of me before giving me a hug.

"Thanks bro." He mumbles.

"Anytime." I smile.

After a few moments of well needed hugging, we break apart and stare at the deserted camp, so I start to worry.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks calmly.

"They're not back." I frown.

"Stiles, they haven't even been gone that lo-"

"I know but they should be back by now." I stress, starting to pace, and Scott follows after me cautiously as I start to bite on my thumb nail.

"They're fine, probably on their way back already..." He suggests, trying to calm me down.

He's right though, I'm just being all jumpy and paranoid over nothing.  They'll all come back when they're ready...

"Something doesn't feel one hundred percent thou-" I go to say, but I get cut off.


We look over to see Talia sobbing and running the best after Derek as she can, covered in cut's and bruises.

"My eyes snap over to Derek who's storming past, covered in blood from head to toe.

I look behind Talia to see a morbid pack, hanging their heads down in sadness and each one of them whining as they shuffle into camp and sit down.

"Derek?" I ask as he storms past, but he ignores me and continues walking off.

"Stiles, maybe it's best to leave him be?" Scott asks, but I run after him, pulling on his arm.

"He stops, turns around and falls to his knees, crying into my chest as I pull in him into my lap.

"Baby... What's wrong?" I soothe, but he cries harder and sobs onto me as I stoke his hair, rocking him back and forth. "Shhh, shhhh, it's okay."

I stand him up, but he pushes against me so I almost drag him to the cave.  He still says nothing, but eventually cries himself to sleep as I stroke his hair and kiss his forehead.

"I love you." I whisper, then walk out to see the pack now human and all not saying a word.   I look over to Scott who has the same expression on his face and he gives me a sad look.  "Can someone. Please... Tell me what's going on?"

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