Right when i need you...

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Fuck, fuck, fuck!     This is not fucking good, what so ever!!!

The two men burst into my room, and I yell tripping back into the wall as one grabs my arm.

"LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE... I'M NOT CRAZY!" I scream, trying to pull away but the other one grabs my arm and yanks me out of my bedroom.

"Your having mental issues and we've been ordered to take you to Eeichen by your father and Scott McCall.

My breath hitches and I stop fighting as I start crying and letting all my weight drop.

Scott did come, and he told my dad...    My best friend thinks I'm crazy, and now so does he.

"Please you have to believe me! I'm not crazy!" I yell trying to get free again, pushing and shoving but they grip me harder and drag me to the door.  "Dad, tell them to let me go!" I shout, grabbing onto the door frame but one of the guys, hits my knuckles so I scream and let go.

"No mental faggot is a son of mine!" He yells after me so I cry and drop weightlessly into their arms.

"I HATE YOU!  YOU HEAR ME?!  I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I scream but one of the guys puts his hand over my mouth and I muffle a scream again.

I look round to see the white van parked and that we're nearly there, so I struggle again but get nowhere as his hand closes around my nose and I can't breath.

I widen my eyes in realisation and I bite onto his hand, making him yelp and let go, so I take this as my chance, kicking him right down below, and sprinting off.

Shit, fuck...

"HEY YOU GET BACK HERE!" He screams and I cough, picking up speed, running into the woods to hide.  "We're trying to help you..." He chuckles, clicking a gun, so I gulp and set down behind a tree.

"Keep calm... Just keeeeep calm." I whisper, slowing my breathing and holding my chest.

I here something move behind me, and before anything happens, the men start screaming so I quickly but cautiously look up...   To see the black wolf ripping out their throats with his teeth.

I sit shocked on the ground as he looks up and meets my gaze.   As I stand up he starts to move.. No, he starts to shift, bigger, into a human... The man from before.

"You." I whisper breathlessly and he nods curtly before turning and walking off.  "Hey wait... You just saved me, again... So that's twice might I add.  Your, your a wolf?!" I shout waving my arms about but he doesn't even look in my direction as I quickly follow after him.    "I knew it.  I knew I wasn't crazy!" I explain and he finally glances over.

"So?" He shrugs plainly.

"So?   So!   What are you, if your human too?" I ask quieting down.

"I'm a werewolf...  Nothing more, nothing less.   Are you alright?" He asks, but when I look up to him, i see he's finally wearing a small skirt of some sort, instead of being loose and free.

"M-My hand hurts, but yeah I'm fine. Thank you."  I sigh, and he nods as we continue to walk.

"You can stay, for a few days, if you'd like? With the pack..." He mumbles softly and I nod again, smiling some as he looks at me.

"Are you sure?" I ask, as he smiles walking into a large clearing with people running around and tackling each other whilst a large wooden structure stands in the middle with logs and small caves dotted around

"Meet the pack." He smiles as a blonde wolf runs over and leaps onto him, licking his face, until a brown wolf struts over and yanks her off.  "You are welcome to stay until you find a new home." He states and I nod, looking around and backing away when a tall black haired women walks over and I gulp.

"Honey, who is this.... Human?" She asks.

"Mother, this is...." He starts but I cut him off.

"Hello ma'am, I'm stiles, and your son has saved my life in more than one occasion and I owe him immensely for that." I say, standing tall and proudly.

She looks me up and down, narrowing her eyes before smiling and wrapping me into a hug.

"Well, in that case, please, stay for the night... I'm sure my son wouldn't mind lending his cave to you?" He asks and he nods slowly, avoiding my eye contact.

"Of course mother." He smiles small, and she ruffles his hair, walking off so Derek walks me and leads me around.

"DAAAAAAAAD!" I look over to see a young curly haired boy, about my age, smashing into Derek and licking his face.

"Hey pup." He laughs and the small teen yaps and runs off.

"Your kid?" I ask, watching after him as we walk into a cave.

"His names Isaac... He was an omega pup after his dad died, so I took him in and now he looks up to me like a father figure." He's smiles sitting on the floor and laying down, so I sit away and lay down too.

"Thanks... For saving me twice.   I'm stiles, like you already know. And since I owe you, your name isssss?" I ask, and he stares at me blankly, turning to face me with his back and huffs.

"Derek." He grumbles, so I take it as my queue to shut up and sleep.

About half an hour later, I'm shivering, no jacket...  No quilt... Just a nice cold, rock floor.

"Can you, I don't know, shut up over there?" He snaps sleepily.

"I-I can't I-I'm cold." I stutter closing my eyes tight and chattering my teeth.

Instead of saying anything, he unwraps himself, and I jump as he transforms into a wolf and grabs me by my shirt collar.   He pulls my into him, and I stiffen whilst he wraps around me and I stroke his fur softly, smiling, relaxing as I heat up and slowly fall asleep.

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