Blue eyes

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Stiles' POV:

I take the route back to the reserve and suddenly the air gets colder, so i pull my jacket tighter and shove my hands in my pockets.

"Stupid fucking wind." I groan, walking the same way i went before...

I walk past my spot and decide to sit for a moment, looking back over the town and re thinking everything.

My dad...


My mum...

I don't even know why my life decided to just turn as fucked up as it is.  I mean yea, one or two things in life are bound to go wrong sometime or another, but i mean, to have everything possibly wrong is just taking the piss.

A: My mother dies when i'm 6.

B: My dad slowly goes insane, lashing out all over the place.

C: Which makes me all alone and depressed as shit.

D: I don't have anyone alive to turn to.

E: I look a mess, I mean come on, look at me...    Overgrown bed head, tiny lips, pale skin so i look dead... And my fricken' moles, that decide to make a map around my body!!!

I mean, i could go on, but we really need to find out who's out here... So on that note, i push myself up and continue to walk.

"If you hadn't of died, maybe if they cured it fast enough, maybe things would be better." I sigh, walking past the lake warning sign.

I see the lake, and stop for a short while, thinking if this is a good idea.

I take a step forwards, carrying on back to the barrier of the edge, looking over and into the water, that looks so peacef-  

I hear something behind me so i jump and turn around, looking  straight back into those blue eyes.        I stare right back, and even surprising to myself, i move closer to the wolf.

I stop when it growls and bears it's teeth and crouches down in a threatening position, so i back off slowly as his growls deepen, so i walk backwards, keeping my eyes on the wolf as it stalks after me, so i dodge behind the tree and start to freak out.

"N-Nice doggie." I stutter, trying to straighten to breath. "N-Nice boy." I stutter again.

"Don't call me nice." I hear someone else speak behind me, so i widen my eyes and peer around the corner to see a tall, broody, all eyebrows and muscle, green eyed guy stood with his arms crossed.


I yell and hide back behind the tree and covering my eyes for good measure.  "Dude! Where are your cloths?!" I scream and i hear yet another growl.  "Hey! It's not my fault your letting your junk out!" I yell in defence.

"What're you doing here?" He asks deeply.

"I'm looking for someone." I say calmly.

"You mean, the same person you dragged your nearly dead body out of the lake?" He asks sarcastically and my breath hitches in my throat.

"How do you kno-  IT WAS YOU!" I shout, almost turning to face him, but i stop and remember his fashion sense.

"And if i was?" He asks, softer than before, taking a step closer, but stopping.

"Why did you help me? What were you doing here?" I ask.

"I like to come here to escape, what were you doing behind that barrier?"

"I-I was, i was, nothing.  I wasn't doing anything." I lie, and he laughs some behind me.

"So you climbed over the barrier, for nothing?" He asks, amusement laced through his voice.

"N-No, there was a wolf here, a few s-seconds before you a-arrived. I think i saw it yesterday, it s-scared me." I stutter.

"What were you doing over there in the first place?" He pushes, and i snap.

"I WAS GONNA JUMP! HAPPY NOW? I WAS GONNA FUCKING JUMP!" I cry... But get nothing in response. "W-Who are you?" I ask, still nothing. "Hello?"

I peek around the tree, moving my fingers slightly so i can see through, but he's not there so i sigh and move my hand looking around.

My eyes scan and stop over at the far edge of the woods, seeing the wolf look away and dart behind the trees and away from sight.

"Strange, at least i'm not crazy." I sigh, pulling my hood over my head and walking back out of the reserve.

As i walk down i see an all too familiar car pull up and Jackson turning down his music and smirking towards me.

"Fancy seeing you out here..." He scoffs, and i look behind him to see Lydia Martin, painting her nails.  "What you doing all the way up here on foot?"

"What's it to you?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Nothing, to be honest i couldn't give two shits you fucking idiot." He spits and Lydia cackles next to him, giving me a cocky side smirk.  "See you at school asswipe." He sneers before driving off.

"Can't wait!" I squeal sarcastically, kicking the grass and walking down again.

My dad's patrol car's still there so he must be still in work, so i smile in relief walking through the door and walking straight upstairs.

I'm beat. I flop onto the bed wincing at my chest pain, and close my eyes, already feeling tired.

Just as i drop off i smile and remember those blue eyes.

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