December 19

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-Hazel's Point Of View-

       "Guyssss....GUYSSSS!" I say a bit louder, shaking them awake. "What the heck Hazel." Rosie mumbles into her pillow. "Come on, the suns about to rise. I want you guys to see it." I say. "Ughhhh." Rosie moans pulling herself out of her sleeping bag. "You guys get up, I'm gonna wake Chase and Emerson." I say. I go out the door to my room, and down the hall to theirs.
      One of my favorite parts about spending time here is getting to see the sun rise.
     I open their door a crack. Empty. I should have known. They're always up early to go and do whatever they do in the lab. But where are they, because there's no lab here.
     I walk back into my room, where Harper and Rosie have successfully pulled themselves out of bed. "Come on, we gotta find Chase and Emerson. They're not in their room." I sat grabbing my blanket off my bed. "Okay." Harper says, and we all walk out of bedroom door, wrapped up in blankets. We walk down the stairs, where most our visitors are already gathered. "Since when are you guys awake this early?" Bucky asks, putting down the book he was reading. "We wanted to watch the sunrise. Do you know where Chase and Emerson went?" I ask. "They're out in the barn. Something about a tractor that needs fixed." Wanda says. "Come on guys, thanks!" I say walking out the front door with Harper and Rose behind me. "It snowed more!" Rosie says. "Yeah, and it's freaking cold." Harper says pulling her blanket closer around her. We walk towards the direction of the barn, and hear the music their listening to before we see them. Harper and I push open the barn doors, and close them again, trying to keep out the cold. "Morning." Chase says, and turns down the music as we walk in. "Morning. I was gonna wake you guys so we could all see the sunrise, but looks like you don't need us to wake you." I say hoping up onto the seat of the tractor their working on.

Harper and Rosie follow Chase to the other side of the room, talking to him about something

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Harper and Rosie follow Chase to the other side of the room, talking to him about something. "Did you sleep okay?" I ask Emerson as I watch him work in the hood of the tractor. "I did. Your house is really nice." Emerson says.
      Was that sarcasm? Or was he slamming me for having a house with my family. Either one was a bit rude.
      "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "I just, I thought your house was nice." "Well, thanks." I say. He smiles at me.
      Maybe he was just being nice.
     "Aren't you cold?" I ask him. "Not really." He says, walking over to a table and getting a tool off of it. "Hey, before I forget, would your dad be okay with me taking you on a date on Christmas Eve?" Emerson asks me, taking a moment to look away from his project, and at me instead. "Well, I think you should ask him." I say resting my hands on the wheel. "That probably wouldn't go too well." Emerson says. "My dad may pretend to not like you, but I know he does. I'm sure of it." I say. Emerson smiles. "Come on, the sounds about to rise." I sat grabbing his hand, and pulling him towards a ladder that leads to the barn roof. "Come on guys!" I say to Rosie, Harper and Chase who are at the other side of the barn. I start up the ladder, and open the hatch to the roof. I walk, VERY carefully, across the roof and sit down in snow. Probably not very smart, but I'd rather be cold then fall off and be dead. Everyone follows me up moments later, we sit down on the roof. "Snapchat time." I say pulling my phone out of my pocket. I take a photo of the sunrise, just as it's coming up.

(A/N: imagine it's Clint's farm :))     "Don't fall!" I look down to see my mom and Wanda standing on the porch

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(A/N: imagine it's Clint's farm :))
     "Don't fall!" I look down to see my mom and Wanda standing on the porch. "WE WONT." I yell. We sit atop the roof and watch for a few more minutes before my dad sticks his head out of the door of our house. "BREAKFAST IS READY." He yells to us. "Yay food." Chase says. "Watch this." Rosie says. She uses her magic to form a set of snow stairs from the barn roof, to the ground. "Why do you get to do that, and all I can do is shoot arrows?" I ask, and we all laugh before heading down the snow stairs and into the house.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Rosie

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Rosie.)

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