December 7

211 4 0

-Hazel's Point Of View-
"Mom, I swear I'm better now. Dad, tell her I'm better." I say. "Sweetie, she says she's better." My dad says. "Let me just check one more time." My mom says, trying to put the thermometer back in my mouth. "Nat." Clint says grabbing her arm. "I'm fine mom. Dad, can I please go sledding?" I ask. "Fine." My mom says. My dad let's go of her arm. "But I'm coming with you." My mom says. "Ok. Thanks mom," I say hugging her. "But now leave, I need to get ready." I say jumping out of my bed and pushing them towards the door. They walk out and I shut the door behind them.
I dig through my draws looking for what to wear. I come and stay at Stark Towers often, so I've acquired fair amount of clothes here, in the room I've claimed as mine. Rosie's Room is across the hall, Harper's is to the right of mine, Emerson's is to myself, Chase's is on the left of Rosie's, and Peter is on the right. We stay on the same floor as Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and Vision.
I settle on an outfit, and drape it across my bed. I text a picture to Rosie and Harper.
R-Rosie H-Harper

Me- How's this look?
R- Cute! looking to impress someone ;)
Me- oh shut up.
H-I like it! So your parents said you could come then?
Me- After INSISTING I was better, my mom finally gave in. She and my dad are coming with. Do Thor and Jane want to come?
H- I'll ask them. I'm sure my dads never been sledding before :)
R- Oh my gosh I would pay to see your dad try to sled.
H- I'm gonna find them right now and ask!
Me- do you think Tony and Pepper want to come to? It'll be like a whole family Central Park.
R- I'll ask Chase.

I hear Rosie walk out of her room and knock on Chase's door. I quick change my clothes into my Harper and Rosie approved outfit.

(AN: minus the purse :)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(AN: minus the purse :). )

H- My parents said yes!
R-Chase said he'd ask him, but he's sure they will. He said Pepper loves these cheesy little family things.
Me- okay! When are we leaving?
H- like 10 minutes
Me- alright.
The conversation ended there. I checked my outfit once more in the mirror before heading over to Emerson's room. "Come in." He said after I knocked. "Heyyyy." I say walking in. "You look nice." He says walking over to hug me. "Thanks, thanks, I try." I say. "I came to see if you were ready to go." I say giving him a hug. "Yeah, im ready." He says. "Thor, Jane, Tony, Pepper, and my parents are coming too. It'll be like a family adventure." I say. He gives a half hearted smile.
I should have known better than to phrase it like that. His dad and mom never cared for him. They see him as the reason they got divorced, the wedge that drove them apart. He never did anything wrong. He's amazing, and nice and sweet and I don't know how anyone could ever not love him. Even now that Emerson is older, Bruce still ignores him, and his mom never bothered to try to get in contact with him. Harsh.
"Sorry I didn't mean-" I bury my face in my hand. "No, no, your fine. Let's wait for everyone downstairs." He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk out the door.
-Harper's Point Of View-
     We grab the sleds and shovels from the back of Tony's new truck (which he bought for us on the way to the park). There aren't many people in the park, none of them are as crazy as us. They don't want to come out into 2 and 1/2 feet of snow. There are a few families scattered around that I can see. From the looks of it, no one recognizes our parents. It's probably hard to recognize them without their 'costumes'.
     "Snowball." Chase says before throwing it into his dad's face. "You want to play that game?" His dad asks wiping his face. "Umm....snowball." Chase says and throws another one. His dad starts to Chase him through the snow. "See Harper, we raised you well. Your nicely behaved and-" My dad starts to say. "Umm....snowball." I say throwing one into my dad's face. "I take back everything I said before." My dad says I run and hide behind Rosie, laughing along with everyone. "Hey, look there's a bridge." Emerson says pointing to a stone bridge, for Hazel to see.

"Let's go see it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Let's go see it." Hazel says and starts to try walking through the snow. "I will be going with.." Clint tries to start following them. "Now it's my turn to tell you no." Natasha says grabbing his arm, making everyone laugh again. "BUT WHAT IF HE TRIES TO HUG HER!" "I promise I won't hug your daughter!" We hear Emerson yell as he walks towards the bridge. "Come on, let's go build a sledding ramp." I say grabbing Rosie's hand.
'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.'

25 Days Of Avenger's Daughters حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن