December 14

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-Harper's Point Of View-
"Wait, wait, WHY are we going to Asgard?" I ask.
So my moms dad came back from Asgard today. My dad says that Mom was complaining that whole time that no one Asgard celebrated- let alone KNEW- what Christmas was. So he came up with this 'GENIUS' idea.
"I want you and your friends to come up to Asgard. I want you all to explain to everyone in Asgard what Christmas is. And then I want you all to help my people decorate and how to have this 'Christmas Cheer'." He says, making excessive hand motions. "So you want US....," Chase says motions to us, "to bring Christmas to Asgard?" "BEST IDEA EVER!" Hazel yells and jumps. "So you'll do it?" My Dad asks me. "Um, yes of course I'll do it! I get to teach Christmas to whole....planet?" I say. "Kingdom. We'll be home by tonight, so you don't need to pack anything. Be ready to go in 15 minutes. I made sure to talk to your parents....okay some of your parents...and they said you can come. " Thor says clapping my shoulder. Rosie and Emerson smile at each other.
     "King Thor." The guards outside the palace door bow to Thor as he approaches the door. They then notice Im standing there. "Princess Harper. Princess Rosie." They continue to bow. "No, no, I thought I commanded you guys not to do that." I says motioning for them to stand. "Sorry your highness." They say, standing. "Here! Merry Christmas!" Hazel says, and hands them each a Christmas hat. The guards look at them confused. "They go on your heads." Hazel says. "And that's a command!" Harper says with a laugh. The guards put them on their heads. "Perfect." Thor says, and the guards go to open the doors. The door way is lined with guards and citizens of the kingdom, making a pathway down the room. "King Thor. Princess Harper. Princess Rosie." Everyone bows. "I COMMAND FOR EVERYONE TO STOP BOWING PLEASE. THANKS." I yell, so I echoes down the room. Everyone slowly stands back up, and we walk down the cleared pathway toward Odin and Frigga. "Harper, Rosie. My favorite granddaughters." Frigga takes a few steps forward and hugs us. "Hi grandma." I say. "Thor, glad to see you back. I can't wait to hear about this 'Christmas' you talk about." He says clapping Thor's shoulder. "And I'm sure Harper and her friends are very excited to share. "Um, Grandpa, I asked Thor this earlier, but he said I would have to ask you. Could I-maybe- stop and see my father while I'm here? I had a gift I wanted to give him." Rosie ask. Odin looks up at Thor and they seem to have a conversation with no words. "If you allow my best guards to go with you, I will allow it." Odin says. Rosie smiles. "Thank you." She says. "Now please, explain to us this 'Christmas' that Thor would like to celebrate." Odin says.
-Rosie's Point Of View-
While the others stay back and tell Thor and the guards all about Christmas and how to decorate, Odin's best guards take me to say hello to my father.
I don't know why I want to, but I know I do.
     We walk down the hallway in which is cell is located. There are 2 guards standing in front of each cell, and I can tell Loki's cell approaching because there are 4 guards.
       "His cell is right up here Princess Rosie." One of Odin's selected guards says to me. "Okay." I say. Too nervous to even tell him not to call me Princess. I walk to the front of his cell, and I can see him sitting on his bed with the card I asked Thor to give him in his hands. "Do you like the card?" I ask, almost yelling to make sure he can hear me. "Mam, your not allowed to talk to the prisoners." One of the guards steps in front of me, blocking me from seeing Loki, and him seeing me. "Rosie?" I hear him ask. One of Orin's selected guards start speaking. "Princess Rosie has been granted permission from Odin himself." "Im very sorry." The guard says before bowing and stepping out of the way.
     Royalty is weird. Not as weird as tumblr.
     "Did you like the card?" I ask, trying to sound a lot less scare than I am. "I...I do." Loki says standing off his bed to walk up the glass.

" Loki says standing off his bed to walk up the glass

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"I just came to say Merry Christmas. I can't stay long." I say. "How are you?" He comes up and backs across the wall wall of his cell.
     No witty remarks, no sly comebacks. Just 'how are you?'.
     "Um, im good. How are you?" I ask. "As good as I can be." He says.
      There's the witty comeback I know.
     "Um that's good." I say. Maybe I should have came here with a plan for what to say to him. But walking down this hall all I could think of was back when he took me. When he make an illusion of me saying 'I love him'. Knowing that's all he wants and all he ever wanted.
     "Hazel, how's her foot?" Loki asks. He actually cares? He cares because I care.
     "It's better now.  She can walk without her crutch now." I say. "Good. Could you tell her I'm sorry?" He asks. I just state at him for a moment. "Oh, um, yeah. Yes I can." I say. Neither of us say something for just a little bit too much time. "Here I, um, I brought this for a you. A Christmas present. I hold up the wrapped gift for him. I hand it to one of the guards for them to put it inside his cell. Loki walks, a tad to quickly, showing he's nervous too, to the other side of the room. The guard places the gift on the floor, inside the door. Loki walks back over and picks it up. "I don't understand." He says flipping over the wrapped gift. "You tear off the paper and there's a present inside. I guess he's never gotten a gift before. "A present?" He asks as he starts to timidly tear the paper. "A present is like....something that I want you to have because I think you'll like it." I say.
     He tears of the paper and sets it on the table. "Beauty and The Beast." He says.

"It's my favorite book

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"It's my favorite book. I've read it plenty of times and I thought that you may like it," I say, "I hope you don't mind I've written in it. I would highlight things and write in it." "I don't mind." Loki says. He examines the book a bit more before stopping on a page. "No matter what you will become, I still love you to the end." Loki reads aloud one of the quotes that I have highlighted in the book.
It's been my favorite book because I feel I can relate to Belle in a way.
"That's my favorite quote." I say running my fingers through my hair. I know why he read it aloud, yet I don't. Was it to make me feel guilty? For him to show me he understands how I feel? I don't even know how I feel. I can see that Loki could almost cry right now. But he won't, he has a reputation to uphold.
"I...I should be going now." I say turning to walk back down the hall. "Rosie. I've been working on what you've told me. I have." Loki says.
      "Don't. I don't want to hear a word. I'm actually mad at you because, well what daughter wouldn't be mad if her father locks her up in a house and separates her from her family and friends. But... I... I know that you love me. I saw the look on your face when you'd see me, hoping that I'd show some love to you. And I saw the worry in your eyes when I almost died from the lack of food. You really love me and I know that. What I don't know is if I love you. I want a father who is nice not bad, who's teaching me things, making me laugh, playing with me. A father, who knows what I want. But you don't fulfill any of those things." Tears start to come out of my eyes. "If you really love me, as you say, then show me your good side."
     What do I say. What do I say? I just nod my head. "Please give me another chance." Loki says. I start to slowly walk back down the hall. "I am just by being here." I say wiping my eyes so I can't see I almost cry. "Please come back, Rosie." He says standing as close to the glass as possible to see me walk away. "I'll be back."

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