December 18

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-Harper's Point Of View-
"WAKE UP CHILDREN!" Tony yells. I sit up from my spot on the couch, immediately realizing how sore my neck is. I see Hazel, Rosie, Chase, Emerson and I all on the couches, seemingly all of us just waking. Tony, Nat, Clint, my mom and dad, Wanda, And Bucky stand around us. "What the heck?" Rosie asks sitting up from aside me. "Why are you all asleep in the living room?" Clint asks, glaring at Emerson even though he and Hazel aren't even on same sofa. "We were watching Stranger Things until 4 a.m." Hazel says. "And then I guess we fell asleep." I say. "I see.... Do we believe this?" Nat asks, clearly joking. "Eh, who cares. Chase does what he wants. We're going to Hazel's Farm house today." Tony says sitting on the arm of the couch. "Wait really?" Hazel asks. "I miss the place, we've been at this tower for almost a month. Clint and I also decided we need to check up on the place, so we invited some of your guys to go with us. Of course, we can't take everyone in the tower, our home is only so big." Natasha says. "That's the most I've ever heard you talk." Bucky says. "WE GET TO GO TO ALABAMA!" Rosie cheers, jumping off the couch.
(QUICK A/N: since the location of Clint's home is unknown, and most people guess it's Alabama, for this story their house will be in Alabama. Back to the story!)
We finally arrived at Hazel's home after a quick hellicarier ride. Along with Chase, Emerson, Rosie, Hazel, and myself, Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Hazel's Parents, and Chase's parents came along also. "Welcome to home sweet home. Again. For some of you." Clint says unlocking the front door of their country side home.

     "This place is so nice

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"This place is so nice." Rosie says walking in. "Sorry Clint, but this is nothing compared to my palace." Thor says. "Dad, that's rude!" I say. "Well, I can't fight with you, I've never been to your palace." Clint says. "Really? You must all come visit sometime." Thor says. "I like old houses. Good to see not everything is relying on technology now a days." Steve says nodding to Hazel, who is already giving the wifi password to Rosie. "It's the kind thing to do! I'm trying to be a good hostess." Hazel says.

 "Well come on in everyone

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"Well come on in everyone." Natasha says motioning everyone into the living room.
Their home is really nice, like the house I always wanted with my family. Of course, the palace is a good substitute. There's photos of Hazel throughout the years spread out around their living room. Even some of us with Hazel, and some of just her and Emerson. Cute. They have a small box television, but the room is mostly filled with books and board games. And Christmas decorations, which they must have put up before coming to Stark Tower for the whole of December. And the best part is their whole house smells of vanilla and cinnamon.
"Come on Rosie, Harper. Your guys are staying in my room with me. Chase, Emerson, your guys room is up here too." Hazel says, motioning for us all to come up the stairs, which we all follow her, dragging our bags behind us. At the top of the stairs is a hallway going straight, and one to the left of right. "The bathroom is down that way. Emerson and Chases room is to the left," Hazel's says, walking down and opening the door to their room, "and mines in here. Make yourself at home." Hazel says opening the door to her room, at the opposite end of the hall. Emerson and Chase head into their room, and we follow Hazel into hers.
Hazel's room is much different from the rest of the house. It's like I stepped out of the 90s and into 2016. She has blue walls covered in posters; everything from Doctor Who to The Fault In Our Stars. "This is my room." Hazel says sitting down on her bed, immediately plugging in her phone. She has the photo we gave to her on her birthday propped up on her dresser. And lots of Christmas decorations, just like her living room. "I love your room." Rosie says dropping her bag on the floor. "I feel bad making you guys sleep on the floor. Did one you guys want my bed?" Hazel asks. "No I'm fine, really." I say. Rosie agrees. "Alright but tell me if you change your minds."
*knock knock*
"Come in." Hazel says. Chase and Emerson walk in. "Hey, we finished unpacking. Cool room." Chase says. Emerson walks over and sits beside Hazel. "Once you guys unpack I can show you guys the animals. Rosie uses her magic to make our makeshift sleeping bag beds on the floor in a split second. "Done. Now let's go see those animals."

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