December 12

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-Rosie's Point Of View-
Today Thor is going back to Asgard to see if everything is going smoothly up there. They don't celebrate Christmas is Asgard. Sad is what that is.
Everyone is downstairs getting out candy and icing to make gingerbread houses. I used this time to come up to my room to make card. A card for my dad.
Surprising, I know. But I'm sure he doesn't get any Christmas cards and the saying is 'Goodwill to all'. Even the evil people, they would fall under the category of 'all'. I don't even know if Loki knows what Christmas is, but as long as I made it, i know he'll like it.
"What should I write inside..." I ask to myself. I use my best cursive handwriting, which is actually very nice. When I lived in the palace with Thor, Frigga taught me how to read and write. She taught me to write cursive very beautifully.
I start off just with his name, followed by a comma. I'm at a loss of words for what to write as the message. I just write 'Merry Christmas.' And sign it off with my name.

     I stick it inside a plain white envelope, and sign his name to the front

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I stick it inside a plain white envelope, and sign his name to the front. I lick it shut and put on the sticker of a snowman on the seam.
"That'll have to do." I say climbing off my bed to head to Thor's room. Walk down the hall to the elevator. I usually don't use this elevator, because the only thing on the next floor is bedrooms.
I step into the elevator, and step out when it opens. Thor and Janes room is the 3rd door down on the right. I walk down and knock on his door. "Come in." I hear Jane say. I open their door. "Rosie, is something the matter?" Thor asks sitting up from his chair. "No, nothing's wrong," I say with a smile, "but when you go back to Asgard today, would you mind giving this to Loki?" I ask handing him to card. He looks at the card and back up at me. "Are you sure?" He asks. "I'm sure. And if he doesn't know what Christmas is, could you tell him?" I ask. "Of course." He says reviving the card. "And you caught us just in time, we were just about to leave." Jane says. "Have a good trip. Thank you again Thor." I say as I head for their door. "Any time."
I go downstairs to join the others in making gingerbread houses. Or in our case, graham cracker houses. "Sorry, im here now." I say walking in and pushing up my sleeves. "Finally." Chase says. "Who can I help?" I ask walking over to the table. "Since I have no taste in good decorations, you can help me." Chase says. "Aww your so nice. But I don't have any taste in decoration either, so this house is gonna look like crap." I say laughing and walking over to him. "It's not a house! It's a tower." Chase says. "Hahaha, oh my gosh, is it too!" I say laughing. "It's great isn't it. "You know what, it actually is." I say, grabbing some icing and candy to help decorate.
Hazel and Emerson, are working on one together, while Harper is making her own. Harper's gingerbread house looks so amazing, seeing as she's amazing at doing things like this. "Did my dad and Mom leave yet?" Harper asks. "Pretty sure they left." I say. "Alright."
"Done." Chase says. Everyone looks up to see what Chase and I made. "Ta-Daaaa!"


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"That. Is." Hazel starts.
-3rd Person POV-
"Loki." Thor says as he approaches the cell. Loki stands to his feet. "Haven't had a visit from you for a while, brother." Loki says. "For you." Thor says holding the car in the air. "Loki recognize it as Frigga's handwriting. Loki back away from the cell door so Thor can set it inside, which he does, and he locks the door again. Loki strolls over to the card with his hands behind his back and he picks it up. "It's from Frigga." Loki says looking at his name scrawled on the front. "Something of that sort." Thor says, waiting impatiently for Loki to open the card. "What is this?" Loki gives a confused look to the snowman sticker. "It's called a 'snowman'." Thor states. Loki just looks more confused. "It's made of snow." Thor says. "A relative of the frost giants..." Loki says to himself. Thor just rolls his eyes.
Loki rips open the card with no care. If he knew it was from Rosie he would open it being as careful as possible. Loki flips open the card. He takes in a sharp breath when he reads 'Rosie.' "She's...she's still okay?" Loki asks his breath shaking. "Why wouldn't she be?" Thor asks. Loki walks back and sits against the wall, like if he doesn't sit, he may just fall over.
"Rosie." He whispers to himself. "Do you not care to know what Christmas is?" Thor asks. Loki gives no response, but just stares at the card. Not blinking. "It was a request from Rosie to share with you what 'Christmas' is." Thor states. This catches Loki's attention. "What is this 'Christmas' that Rosie wants me to know about?" He asks. "It's celebrated down on Midgard. Every December people will put lights outside their houses and celebrate a man named Santa. They then will perform strange rituals like wrapping boxes in paper, putting balls on tree, and decorating food houses. On the 25th of December, this Santa will come and leave presents under this decorated plant. It's quite strange. But Rosie, Hazel, and Harper love it." Thor finishes. "I don't understand. When this 'Santa' comes, will you protect Rosie?" Loki asks. "I don't think that's the point...but I will." Thor says.
Loki returns to staring at the card, rubbing his thumb over Rosie's signature. "Rosie..." Loki whispers to himself. He whispers more including the words 'miss' , 'love, and 'why', but the rest is inaudible.

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