December 1

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December 1st:
Stark Towers
-Hazel's Point Of View-
'It's the most wonderful time of the year.'
I sit up in a flash, causing my head to start pounding. I smile through the pain. "It's December 1st." I say to myself. The day I finally get to decorate. The day I finally get to start buying presents. The day I can start making cookies, SO many cookies.
December 1st is the best day of the year. December 1st I know I have 24 days left of Christmas cheer left (and 24 more days to convince Bucky that Christmas is the best time of year. He needs a good dose of Christmas cheer.).
I grab my Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Slippers (thanks Chase) and head straight out of the door. I grab my phone, playing my Christmas Spotify playlist as loud as I can as I walk down the hallway.
Yes, this will probably make a few people upset later, but it's worth it.
"I should have known it was you blaring the music." Rosie says to me as I walk down the steps into the living room. "Where's your Christmas attire?" I ask, making sure to lift my slippers in the air. "Geez, when you said those were your favorite gift last year, you weren't lying." Rosie says. "Nope." I say, popping the 'P' and I flop down on the couch next to her. "This Christmas is going to the the best one yet." I say smiling.
This is our first year spending Christmas in Stark Towers. At least, for Rosie, Harper, Emerson and I. Chase always spends Christmas with his family in the tower. Harper and Rosie haven't had anyone to spend Christmas with up until a while ago. I would spend Christmas with my parents at the base.
"I know. I'm excited." Rosie says. "You sure don't sound very excited." I say. "Your just TOO excited." "Alright maybe a little bit. Are we still going Christmas shopping today?" I ask. "Yup. I was thinking maybe in Times Square. Harper, Chase, and Emerson are coming with us, so we'll have to buy for them another time." Rosie says. "I already know what I'm getting for Emerson." I say.
Emerson and I have been dating for 4 months now. I've known what I want to get him for weeks now.
"Of course you do. Why isn't anyone awake yet?" Rosie asks. I look at the time.

8:43 a.m.

"I dunno, but they should be awake soon, seeing how loud I was playing my music." I say with a smile.
2:00 p.m.

"TAXI!" Chase yells waving his hand in the air. A taxi cab turns off the road and up to the curb. I burry my face further into my scarf, trying to keep warm.
Harper, Chase, Rosie, Emerson, and myself climb into the back.
"Where to?" The taxi driver looks to be in his 30s, and happier than most taxi drivers I've met. "Times Square, please." Harper says. "Alright." He pulls off the curb and back onto the busy New York road.
"Smile!" Rosie says. She holds up her phone to take a picture of us all. "Oh geez, ew, that's a bad picture." Chase says. "Oh my gosh, you sound like me." I say, making everyone laugh. "It's not bad, it's going on my story.
I look out the back of the window and watch Stark Towers shrink in the distance.
"What were you kids doing in front of Stark Towers?" The taxi driver asks. I smile at Emerson. "Sight seeing." Chase says, just as Harper says, "My dog ran that direction." Harper and Chase look at each other. "We mean, we were seeing when our dog got away and we chased it to Stark Towers." Chase says. "And where's your dog now?" The taxi driver says suspiciously. "Like we said, he ran away." Rosie says. I try to hide my laughter.
We climb out of the taxi after Chase pays for the ride. The cold air hits me and I gasp.
Times Square never ceases to amaze me, seeing as I grew up on a farm. The beautiful chaos of of New York. The bright flashing colors, families buying gifts and rushing out of the cold.

'Strings of street lights,
Even stop lights,
Blink a bright red and green
As the shoppers rush,
home with their treasures.'

Emerson wraps his arm around me as we the taxi drives back onto the road and gets lost in the crowd.
"Where to first?" Rosie says, as I see the first sign of snow, fall from the sky.

25 Days Of Avenger's Daughters Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora